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Latest revision as of 17:53, 5 September 2012

Mind you the firing waves are not totally independent, either, so maybe you should only collect a wave every 50 ticks? =) Just kidding... But I do agree with penalizing non-firing waves, and penalizing them more against surfers. Another good reason to do so against non-surfers is that in a KNN gun, you are only selecting so many data points each time you aim, so favoring firing waves will give you more unique situations. But I've never found improved performance by ignoring virtual waves completely. And hitting top surfers is kind of a black art in any case, and they're the only targets where my Anti-Surfer gun outperforms my Main Gun consistently.

Btw, WaveSim is a good platform for testing this kind of stuff. On my new quad-core box (with 8 threads), I can run my Main Gun through 10k battles of gun data in about 3 minutes. I'd be happy to post some more of my data sets if anyone's interested. =)