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The question is: how big is the subset of bots which it can be used against?

In 1on1 we have

- Simple bots moves in what ever pattern they have independent of you and your position. - Wave surfers do not care about your position when you far away. - HawkOnFire type make the decision once per many clicks and does it based on one point.

So it might work against - Mirroring bots - Rammers - Very sophisticated bots on top of the rumble.

The first two categories usually have relatively small APS already, so there is not much to shave off, the later (i.e. top bots) has to tiny fraction of the population.

Also, surfers which use averaged in time enemy velocity, are sort of already calculated where you are going to be. Since they see where you were and where you are heading.

The problem with melee is that most of bots are moving with respect to their nearest neighbors and not your bot.

I am not sure that a bot can afford to recalculate its path in melee every click, so it is likely that the movement decision is taken on a current to fire time situation and than it is not updated for a while.