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Revision as of 18:44, 24 April 2009

  • version 1.0 - codesize 1499 without colors. I'll find room for them again sometime, but I had to make room for saving data, and colors and one other thing in the movement just sort of had to go.
  • version 1.1 - codesize 1492 without colors. I trimmed down some code, commented up the MiniBullet class for people (which I admit is now more cryptic anyways), and managed to fit back in the additional distancing code that I wanted to (so now it's basically exactly the same as Teancum). I also fixed a bug that Rozu found in the wall-avoidance code (which also stops me from getting backed against a wall), which is a big fix I think (especially for FloodMicro, which depends only on movement).
    • placed 5th in the Pro League at the Robocode Outpost, season 5, behind SandboxDT, Princess, Cigaret, and (narrowly) Dalek. It also was second only to SandboxDT in total bullet damage.
      • fell to 13th or so in season 6. Darn luck...
    • Opened at the EternalRumble at 36. Hopefully it will learn a little and grow off that (if I don't end up updating it too much like PEZ seems to do).
    • placed 2nd for MiniBots in tobe's MiniBot challenge. It was mostly propelled to its place with a pitiful win over Eva01, but it beat HumblePieLite, almost tied Avipes, killed BlackSwans, and narrowly beat Aspid (who got first) to keep the title, while not losing to anyone by much. Cigaret had a really tough time with a lot of bots...
  • version 1.2 - codesize 1499 without colors. I cut down some stuff a bit, and managed to reduce a few repeat calculations between FloodMini and the MiniBullet class to make it more efficient. Changed some sizes on my stat buffer so it wouldn't waste any file space, and I added a dimension to my stat buffer to capitalize on bots that have weak movement close to the walls. Seems to do better against a lot of bots (hint to all you developers of robots with names such as Cigaret, Dalek, Aspid and Fenrir). Hopefully it will make a difference in the standings.
    • took 4th in the Pro league of the Robocode Outpost, season 7. In doing this, it managed to get second in bullet damage and beat Cigaret, both Aspids, both GlowBlows, Marshmallow (who is supposed to be a statist nightmare in the current version, 1.5.4), Avipes, and Tron.
    • #12 on the EternalRumble!!!!! That's exciting. rozu estimated 11th I think, so I blame it on him. He must be a roboprophet like we suspected. Sorry, rozu. The 25-place jump put it 6th among Minibots. Hopefully an upcoming upgrade on Teancum will do the same thing.
    • #4 among MiniBots in 1-on-1 at the MiniBot Challenge, behind Lacrimas and the GlowBlows. Unlike those above it I think, FloodMini went completely undefeated this round, beating Lacrimas and GlowBlowAPM, as well as Cigaret, Spark, and Avipes. Second time in a row I've faced Avipes and HumblePieLite. (I hope everyone enjoys my play-by-play of the MiniBot Challenge). This same week, FunkyChicken won the nano division, also undefeated, against many of the other top bots in its division.
      • Tobe forgot to update to FloodMini 1.3 for competition 20030705, but 1.2 still got 7th place and lost only 1 battle to DuelistMini.
    • #2 in the Pro league of the Robocode Outpost, season 10, right behind SandboxDT :-) It's success in this league, I believe, is attributable to it's aggressive nature, tending to get up close to a number of bots, so that it's gun consistantly scores more damage than almost any other bot, even if its survival is a little lower.
  • Version 1.3 - codesize 1491 without colors. Found a few bytes here and there, sacrificed a few movement bytes here and there, improved the movement a little as well, including getting rid of a mathematical bug in my wall backing code. It worked most of the time, and especially when I was REALLY getting backed up to a wall, but I found it working on TeancumPassive. I also decided that FloodMini's LateralVelocity segments weren't telling the whole story, and added segmentation for acceleration. This seems to raise its hitrate against pretty much everyone and makes it a stronger bot all around. I also loosened the segmentation a little bit to make fewer distance and LateralVelocity segments than before. I think this is a potential top-10 version.
    • Starts the RO Pro division at #3 :-) Even though that's down one spot from last week, I think it will stay there more consistently now, unless FloodHT prevents him ;-)
      • Maintains 3rd place in season 12, right behind FloodHT, collecting his traditional 'hardest hitter' award, owning bullet damage. 5th in season 13, 6th in season 14, 3rd in season 15, always winning bullet damage somehow, by a reasonable margin. Kind of like SandboxLump in the old days, but smaller. Where ever he belongs, he's in the right division for 1-on-1.
    • Starts the EternalRumble by jumping up 8 spots to #5. In this respect, Rozu's prediction was exactly right. However, he mispredicted one thing - he said he didn't think I could put myself between the Cigarets, which is exactly what I did. CigaretBH skipped ahead of Cigaret this time with me in between, and FloodHT came in above Chameleon, for FloodMini to end up exactly at 5th. Of course, secretly, I'm sure Rozu was subconsciously thinking about this the whole time. This also makes FloodMini the #1-ranked MiniBot on the ER! I think that's spectacular, of course ;-) It also occurs to me that there are a lot more Megabots in the top 10 now than there were a couple weeks ago, with Chameleon, Tron, and FloodHT getting in there. FloodMini actually beat Chameleon and Cigaret (FloodHT didn't beat Chameleon), did pretty well overall (didn't completely embarrass himself) against DT and HT, lost considerably to BH... really was strong overall, though. Rozu was also right about it not beating Princess, but this apparently didn't hurt him too bad. Beating Chameleon was something FloodHT had problems with, and so was Gouldingi, which FloodMini really trashed.
      • Finally got to compete in the MiniBot challenge (20030802) and won it! It lost to Cigaret, Smoke, and DuelistMiniMelee, though, which I don't quite get :-p (well, I do, it probably had never seen them before...), but it beat Fhqwhgads, who beat all three of those bots.
  • version 1.4 - There were many projects that I entitled "FloodMini 1.4", and this one ended up being it. Mostly it's tuning of the gun (trying to get the best 'big picture' possible) and addition of some Strategy elements (ramming disabled opponents, closing in when I'm ahead so I don't allow comebacks, not firing when my gun is far from turned, etc). I tried to make this FloodMini a significant improvement over the last, but that didn't work, so hopefully I just made it a little better. I think it's about even overall against Cigaret 1.31.
    • Got 2nd in the last MiniBot Challenge, but then came back to win the MiniBot Grand Final by a large margin. My guess is that Iiley had several bots in there that beat each other (like I think that Lacrimas is supposed to beat Cigaret, but wasn't as successful of a bot in general), which is what created such a large margin (and the fact that I knocked the living trash out of Avipes, which qualified in the Mini division). It did well, and beat every competitor it had, but it didn't do that well.
    • Held its ground in the ER in spite of all the new entries - stayed in 5th place, just ahead of the new Cigaret. Also behind CigaretST, BlestPain, and Sedan, but passed up the new Chameleon, CigaretBH, and FloodHT (although it only beat CigaretBH, out of those 3).