
From Robowiki
Revision as of 03:45, 17 November 2010 by CrazyBassoonist (talk | contribs) (Reply)
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Hey, this looks really interesting, the provacative movement part. I might use this for one of my bots :D --AWOL 19:42, 15 November 2010 (UTC)

Thanks, I experimented a lot with this movement but never got it to work quite as well as I would like. Then again, I was working on this right after I started programming so it might be time to give it another shot... If you look on the old wiki, I think some interesting stuff has been written about provocative movement that you might consider reading.--CrazyBassoonist 23:15, 16 November 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, the bot did seem to fail to trap one of my simple bots in a corner. Something in my head clicks that pattern matching could solve it, possibly involving segments. Do you think it would be possible to make provocative movement applicable using pattern matching? Like if it sees no pattern in the movement when firing or getting close, it could try fighting it directly or something. But if it does see a pattern, it could get into certain spots and firing only when it knows the opponent will drive itself into the wall, or get hit. Just ideas :> --AWOL 23:53, 16 November 2010 (UTC)

Well, I think the problem with this bot is that all it does is try to move on a line coming from the corner and going through the enemy. Any kind of prediction for the enemy's movement would most likely improve this robot a lot, as well as help it know where to go to keep the enemy trapped in the corner. I might try making a new robot with this idea since you've renewed my interest in it:)--CrazyBassoonist 01:45, 17 November 2010 (UTC)

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