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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Dynamic Clustering
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Works well against active flatteners. Bad against the rest. Anti-flattener classifier.

MN (talk)17:38, 20 December 2013

Well, I'd imagine it might work okay against oscilator, stop-n-go, and CircleBot movements... but out of strong movements, yeah, I'd mostly expect flatteners indeed.

Rednaxela (talk)17:52, 20 December 2013

If this does well vs flatteners, it would fit my strategy perfectly as I am trying to create anti surfer and flattener guns independently first. Another idea closer to pattern matching would be using the past 10 GFs of all waves, including non firing waves every tick. I am interested in the idea of looking at changes in GF between waves instead of absolute GF as Rednaxala is suggesting.

Straw (talk)20:59, 20 December 2013