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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Raspberry Pi
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Yay! Finally got permission to release this. It's pretty complete as far as game play and what features I wanted for the Raspberry Pi version, and all the same is working on Mac/Linux. So I'll get everything together and release that version first. Folks could certainly start making bots and stages, sharing them, and having fun with it. But there are still a handful of pretty important things I want to get done soon:

  • A cross-platform GUI version. Working on this now, about halfway done. Before this, individual battles are launched from command line.
  • CPU time limits. I have CPU tracking in place and I know how I want to do the calibration / enforcement, just haven't finished it yet.
  • Windows support. Nearly everything should compile/run fine on Windows, including all the libraries I'm using. The main blocker is I don't have Windows. Now that I know I won't be flushing this down the toilet, I may just cough up the dough to buy a copy of Windows for this project.

Hoping to have it up on GitHub / new web site / some new YouTube vids soon. :-)

Voidious02:47, 13 November 2012