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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Robocode/My First Robot
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Thanks I got it to work.

Therealdrag019:12, 14 October 2012

I am taking a course which is based on robocode and I found this thread in Google but @Therealdrag0 didn't mention how to actually solve the problem.

So the correct path must be the same as the package of the java class. For example, if the robot has package com.example.robot.MyRobot

then the only way robocode will see the robot is if you add a folder, let's say main, and inside there are folders com/example/robot containing MyRobot.class

so if my robot is compiled to build/classes/java/main/com/example/robot/MyRobot.class I have to add build/classes/java/main as a source ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Thanks anyways.

Mborzenkov (talk)04:42, 30 September 2021