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07:33, 1 April 2017 Skotty (talk | contribs) New thread created  

FirstMark presentation point of interest

I watched the video of your presentation at FirstMark. Pretty good presentation. A couple of points you may find of interest.

First, I thought the question about what you have learned or what skills you have improved from doing Robocode was a good question, and something that is important to have a good answer to. So beyond yourself, you might like to know what some other Robocode users have gotten from it. For me, it has helped refine and reinforce some of my math skills and methods for analyzing data. It encouraged and helped me learn some new algorithms, and has been a good exercise in creative problem solving.

Also, someone asked if Robocode was something people from Raytheon used. Raytheon is a contractor that develops a lot of software and hardware for the Department of Defense in the United States. It was a bit of an unusual question that came up because the person who asked it knew that Raytheon develops certain missile and projectile guidance systems. What makes it interesting is that I spent a number of years working on software for Raytheon. The only real connection between my Robocode work and Raytheon work is that they both involved programming, but nonetheless, at least 1 former Raytheon employee does indeed use Robocode.

Skotty (talk)07:33, 1 April 2017