MicroMelee king

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MicroMelee king

Wow, I'm not sure how, but I only just realized what an insanely strong melee MicroBot you have here. Congrats! I saw it ranked highly in MeleeRumble, but only just now noticed it's a MicroBot, #1 in MicroMelee, and #2 in MiniMelee. You've really taken it to the next level flying past Capulet like that, nice work!

Any plans to make an entry to Mini or Mega MeleeRumbles? It could get scary with both you and Neuromancer climbing the ranks. =)

    Voidious04:50, 20 June 2012

    Thanks mate. I guess wallabys are very small, so they can easily be overseen :).

    Yes i have some MeleeBots (mini,mega) in development and i hope i can release one of them soon. Right now i'm more concentrated on my TwinTeam. Technically is wallaby finished, but while working on my other bots i get some new ideas every once in a while and look how it works. The really burden is, that i have around 30 bytes left to play with (if stripped of all the minor tweaks) and i can not give up to find something that would use this 30 bytes well (in terms of APS gain).

    I'm definitely intended to "scare" you :)

      Wompi10:41, 20 June 2012

      By the way, after an evening of mucking with BrokenSword yesterday, having pretty good success and ending up at #40 in General MeleeRumble... I have to say that you getting a MicroBot to #15 among MegaBots is totally amazing! I think LittleBlackBook is about the only other bot that is so strong outside his weight class, and he's, well, "special". =)

        Voidious18:09, 26 June 2012