Possible bug report

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Possible bug report

Heya Voidious,

I think I may have found a bug.

I finished a run of deBroglie rev0130 last night on the test bed you made for me. Score was in the lower 80s.

Just now, I manually made a .rrc testbed with some high performing bots. Started running it, and here's the output. Looks like RoboRunner is carrying over the score from the other challenge file?

~/roborunner $ ./rr.sh -bot tjk.deBroglie rev0130 -c debroglie_mega.rrc -seasons 20

Copying missing bots... 0 JAR copies done!

Initializing engine: ./robocodes/r1... done!

Initializing engine: ./robocodes/r3... done!

Initializing engine: ./robocodes/r2... done!

Challenger: tjk.deBroglie rev0130

Challenge: deBroglie Megabot test

Seasons: 20

Threads: 3

 tjk.deBroglie rev0130 vs lxx.Tomcat 3.67c: 39.79, took 57.6s, avg: 39.79

Overall score: 81.16, 170.42 seasons

 tjk.deBroglie rev0130 vs voidious.Diamond 1.8.1: 31.91, took 72.3s, avg: 31.91

Overall score: 80.83, 170.5 seasons

 tjk.deBroglie rev0130 vs jk.mega.DrussGT 2.7.3: 37.2, took 82.0s, avg: 37.2

Overall score: 80.54, 170.58 seasons

    Tkiesel18:13, 26 July 2012

    Yep, it seems I'm printing the overall score for every bot you've faced, not just the ones in the current challenge file that's loaded. I'll see about fixing that later today. You can just delete (or rename for now) the file from the data directory if you want to start fresh. Thanks!

      Voidious18:22, 26 July 2012

      Or you could keep/copy just the lines for those bots in the data file, if you feel like mucking with it.

        Voidious18:33, 26 July 2012