Support for team battles

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Support for team battles

Does RoboRunner support team battles (1200x1200 battlefield)? Or does it support custom battlefield sizes?

Trying RoboResearch I noticed battlefield sizes are hard-coded at 800x600 or 1000x1000, and there is no place to configure battlefield sizes in .rrc files.

    MN19:59, 30 September 2012

    Yep, both work fine. To modify battle field size, just add width and height on their own lines after the "num rounds" line in the challenge file. And if your team JARs are in the bots/ dir, just specify them like you would a bot in the challenge file. So e.g.:

    My Teams Test Bed
    abc.ShadowTeam 3.83
    gimp.GimpTeam 0.1
      Voidious20:10, 30 September 2012

      Ouch, I may have spoken too soon. I'm seeing an exception when I try to run a team battle right now. I'll try and see if I can figure that out, I don't think I needed to do anything special originally to support teams.

        Voidious20:29, 30 September 2012

        Ok, figured it out. Turns out Robocode is a bit confused between getRobotNameAndVersion() vs getTeamLeaderName() in results of a team battle. So I need to use getTeamLeaderName() instead (and for non-teams they return the same). I'll post a fix now.

          Voidious20:59, 30 September 2012