
From Robowiki
Revision as of 00:27, 21 November 2009 by DavidR (talk | contribs) (Added smal text about my first Robot...)
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I'm a new User at Robocode and I'm doing research in Swarm intelligence, Synchronization and Networks, Robocode is a very interesting way to develop some of the ideas I have. I'm coding my first robot at the moment and hope to have it ready by the end of the year (If I manage to get the time to code as my PhD is taking 99% of my time now.)

dmsr.MiniR101 0.1 is the first alfa release of a Robot with some ideas I was playing around. As I was coding I was first playing with the movement algorithm and was happy with it. Then I just added a simple Radar and Targeting ideas and packaged it. I saw it was 1599 Bytes so it was only 99 Bytes above the Mini category. I tweaked it a bit to make it fit in the Mini category and put it in the Melee Rumble just to see how it behaves there. I didn't do any parameter optimization or nothing... so what ever he does is what he is capable of just after birth...