User:Duyn/kd-tree Tutorial

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[this is the beginning of a tutorial on writing a k-d tree].

This tutorial will walk you through the process of writing a k-d tree for k-nearest neighbour search. The tree here will hold multiple items in each leaf, splitting only when a leaf overflows. It will split on the mean of the dimension with the largest variance. There are already several k-d trees on this wiki, see some of the others for ideas.

A k-d tree is a binary tree which successively splits a k-dimensional space in half. This lets us speed up a nearest neighbour search by not examining points in partitions which are too far away. A k-nearest neighbour search can be implemented in from a nearest neighbour algorithm by not shrinking the search radius until k items have been found. The rest of this tutorial will refer to both as nearest neighbour queries.

An Exemplar class

We will call each item in our k-d tree an exemplar. Each exemplar has a domain—its spatial co-ordinates in the k-d tree's space. Each exemplar could also have an arbitrary payload, but our tree does not need to know about that. It will only handle storing exemplars based on their domain and returning them in a nearest neighbour search.

You might already have a class somewhere called Point which handles 2D co-ordinates. This terminology avoids conflict with that.

public class Exemplar {
  public final double[] domain;

  public Exemplar(final double[] coords) {
    this.domain = coords;

  // Short hand. Shorter than calling Arrays.equals() each time.
  public boolean domainEquals(final Exemplar other) {
    return Arrays.equals(domain, other.domain);

While this class is fully usable as is, rarely will you be interested in just the domain of nearest neighbours in a search. It is expected that specific data (eg. guess factors) will be loaded by sub-classing this Exemplar class. Our k-d tree will be parameterised based on this expectation.

Basic Tree

Here is a basic tree structure:

public class BucketKdTree<T extends Exemplar> {
  private List<T> exemplars = new LinkedList<T>();
  private BucketKdTree<T> left, right;
  private int bucketSize;
  private final int dimensions;

  public BucketKdTree(int bucketSize, int dimensions) {
    this.bucketSize = bucketSize;
    this.dimensions = dimensions;

  private boolean
  isTree() { return left != null; }

Each tree is either a tree with both left and right sub-trees defined, or a leaf with exemplars filled. Because of our splitting algorithm, it is pointless to allow a tree to be both since the mean might not correspond with any actual exemplars.

Bucket size and dimensions must be passed into the constructor. We could infer dimension from the dimension of the first point added, but this is simpler. Bucket size is not final because theoretically it could be varied, though our implementation will not.


Each of the public API functions defers the actual addition to another private static function. This is to avoid accidentally referring to instance variables while we walk the tree. This is a common pattern we will use for much of the actual behaviour code for this tree.

We decide whether to split a leaf only after the add has been completed.

// One at a time
public void
add(T ex) {
  BucketKdTree<T> tree = addNoSplit(this, ex);
  if (shouldSplit(tree)) {

// Bulk add gives us more data to choose a better split point
public void
addAll(Collection<T> exs) {
  // Some spurious function calls. Optimised for readability over
  // efficiency.
  final Set<BucketKdTree<T>> modTrees =
    new HashSet<BucketKdTree<T>>();
  for(T ex : exs) {
    modTrees.add(addNoSplit(this, ex));

  for(BucketKdTree<T> tree : modTrees) {
    if (shouldSplit(tree)) {

To add an exemplar, we traverse the tree from top down until we find a leaf. Then we add the exemplar to the list at that leaf.

To decide which sub-tree to traverse, each tree stores two values—a splitting dimension and a splitting value. If our new exemplar's domain along the splitting dimension is greater than the tree's splitting value, we put it in the right sub-tree. Otherwise, it goes in the left one.

Since adding takes little time compared to searching, we take this opportunity to make some optimisations:

  • We keep track of the actual hyperrect the points in this tree occupy. This lets us rule out a tree, even though its space may intersect with our search sphere, if it doesn't actually contain any points within the hyperrect bounding our search sphere. This hyperrect is defined by maxBounds and minBounds.
  • To save us having to do a full iteration when we come to split a leaf, we compute the running mean and variance for each dimension using Welford's method:
   M_1 = x_1,\qquad S_1 = 0</math>
   M_k = M_{k-1} + {x_k - M_{k-1} \over k} \qquad(exMean)</math>
   S_k = S_{k-1} + (x_k - M_{k-1})\times(x_k - M_k) \qquad(exSumSqDev)</math>
  • We keep track of whether all exemplars in this leaf have the same domain. If they do, we know that comparisons on one exemplar apply to all exemplars in that leaf.

The final adding code:

private int splitDim;
private double split;

// These aren't initialised until add() is called.
private double[] exMean;
private double[] exSumSqDev;

// Optimisation when tree contains large number of duplicates
private boolean exemplarsAreUniform = true;

// Optimisation for searches. This lets us skip a node if its
// scope intersects with a search hypersphere but it doesn't contain
// any points that actually intersect.
private double[] maxBounds;
private double[] minBounds;

// Adds an exemplar without splitting overflowing leaves.
// Returns leaf to which exemplar was added.
private static <T extends Exemplar> BucketKdTree<T>
addNoSplit(BucketKdTree<T> tree, T ex) {
  // Some spurious function calls. Optimised for readability over
  // efficiency.
  BucketKdTree<T> cursor = tree;
  while (cursor != null) {
    updateBounds(cursor, ex);
    if (cursor.isTree()) {
      // Sub-tree
      cursor = ex.domain[cursor.splitDim] <= cursor.split
        ? cursor.left : cursor.right;
    } else {
      // Leaf
      final int nExs = cursor.exemplars.size();
      if (nExs == 1) {
        cursor.exMean =
          Arrays.copyOf(ex.domain, cursor.dimensions);
        cursor.exSumSqDev = new double[cursor.dimensions];
      } else {
        for(int d = 0; d < cursor.dimensions; d++) {
          final double coord = ex.domain[d];

          final double oldExMean = cursor.exMean[d];
          final double newMean = cursor.exMean[d] =
            oldExMean + (coord - oldExMean)/nExs;

          final double oldSumSqDev = cursor.exSumSqDev[d];
          cursor.exSumSqDev[d] = oldSumSqDev
            + (coord - oldExMean)*(coord - newMean);
      if (cursor.exemplarsAreUniform) {
        final List<T> cExs = cursor.exemplars;
        if (cExs.size() > 0 && !ex.domainEquals(cExs.get(0)))
          cursor.exemplarsAreUniform = false;
      return cursor;
  throw new RuntimeException("Walked tree without adding anything");

private static <T extends Exemplar> void
updateBounds(BucketKdTree<T> tree, Exemplar ex) {
  final int dims = tree.dimensions;
  if (tree.maxBounds == null) {
    tree.maxBounds = Arrays.copyOf(ex.domain, dims);
    tree.minBounds = Arrays.copyOf(ex.domain, dims);
  } else {
    for(int d = 0; d < dims; d++) {
      final double dimVal = ex.domain[d];
      if (dimVal > tree.maxBounds[d])
        tree.maxBounds[d] = dimVal;
      else if (dimVal < tree.minBounds[d])
        tree.minBounds[d] = dimVal;


We only split when a leaf's exemplars exceed its bucket size. It is only worth splitting if the exemplars don't all have the same domain.

private static <T extends Exemplar> boolean
shouldSplit(BucketKdTree<T> tree) {
  return tree.exemplars.size() > tree.bucketSize
    && !tree.exemplarsAreUniform;

Thanks to our pre-computation, splitting is straight-forward—most of the time. We iterate through each dimension to find the one with the largest variance (skip the unnecessary division), then we can directly look up the mean of that dimension.

To make sure the point actually does divide our data, we separate our data into two lists destined for each sub-tree. If all the exemplars end up in only one of the lists, then our split point has failed to actually separate our exemplars. This is most likely due to rounding error when our exemplars are really close together. At a loss for what to do, we simply pick a random point and a random dimension until we find something that parts our exemplars. We know we must find one eventually because our exemplars are not uniform—at least one of them is smaller in at least one dimension than all the others.

Finally, we bulk load our sub-trees, store information about our split point and let go of the exemplars stored in the tree.

@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <T extends Exemplar> void
split(BucketKdTree<T> tree) {
  assert !tree.exemplarsAreUniform;
  // Find dimension with largest variance to split on
  double largestVar = -1;
  int splitDim = 0;
  for(int d = 0; d < tree.dimensions; d++) {
    final double var =
      tree.exSumSqDev[d]/(tree.exemplars.size() - 1);
    if (var > largestVar) {
      largestVar = var;
      splitDim = d;

  // Find mean as position for our split
  double splitValue = tree.exMean[splitDim];

  // Check that our split actually splits our data. This also lets
  // us bulk load exemplars into sub-trees, which is more likely
  // to keep optimal balance.
  final List<T> leftExs = new LinkedList<T>();
  final List<T> rightExs = new LinkedList<T>();
  for(T s : tree.exemplars) {
    if (s.domain[splitDim] <= splitValue)
  int leftSize = leftExs.size();
  final int treeSize = tree.exemplars.size();
  if (leftSize == treeSize || leftSize == 0) {
      "WARNING: Randomly splitting non-uniform tree");
    // We know the exemplars aren't all the same, so try picking
    // an exemplar and a dimension at random for our split point

    // This might take several tries, so we copy our exemplars to
    // an array to speed up process of picking a random point
    Object[] exs = tree.exemplars.toArray();
    while (leftSize == treeSize || leftSize == 0) {

      splitDim = (int)
      final int splitPtIdx = (int)
      // Cast is inevitable consequence of java's inability to
      // create a generic array
      splitValue = ((T)exs[splitPtIdx]).domain[splitDim];
      for(T s : tree.exemplars) {
        if (s.domain[splitDim] <= splitValue)
      leftSize = leftExs.size();

  // We have found a valid split. Start building our sub-trees
  final BucketKdTree<T> left =
    new BucketKdTree<T>(tree.bucketSize, tree.dimensions);
  final BucketKdTree<T> right =
    new BucketKdTree<T>(tree.bucketSize, tree.dimensions);

  // Finally, commit the split
  tree.splitDim = splitDim;
  tree.split = splitValue;
  tree.left = left;
  tree.right = right;

  // Let go of exemplars (and their running stats) held in this leaf
  tree.exemplars = null;
  tree.exMean = tree.exSumSqDev = null;


Full Source Code

For the full source code to the tree built in this tutorial, see duyn's Bucket kd-tree.