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Revision as of 15:48, 3 May 2012 by Tkiesel (talk | contribs) (rev0012)
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/Version History
Author(s) Tkiesel
Extends AdvancedRobot
Targeting Dynamic Clustering with precise intersection
Movement Random Movement
Released 1 May 2012
Best Rating 274th (not updating until movement is written by me)
Current Version rev0012
Code License RWPCL


This is my first wave surfing bot, and I'm a physicist by training, so it's named in honor of Louis de Broglie, who discovered that matter has wavelike properties. This was a foundational discovery in Quantum Mechanics.

In honor of the namesake, all data collection is done in the form of waves. Waves emanate from the bot for targeting data, and from the enemy for movement data.

This bot is very much a work in progress.



I wanted to gather waves to use as targeting information, both incoming waves from the enemy for movement, but also outgoing waves from de Broglie for targeting. I wanted to reuse as little code as possible, so I've been working on implementing the wave system in as modular a way as possible.


The bot has a Universe object which contains all elements of its picture of the battlefield, including two simple Bot objects, one for itself, and one for the enemy. The Bots are updated on every scan.

Information is gathered in a kd-tree, courtesy of Rednaxela's open source kd-tree implementation. The Universe feeds information to the Eyes, Wheels, and Gun which are radar, movement, and targeting respectively.


After a lot of annoying code digging every time I wanted to try a different way of segmenting/dimensioning my gathered data, I decided to put all of that code into a single static class. All data segmenting about the current situation of the Bots is done via the Segmentation class.


Writing precise intersection from scratch was a fun adventure. The code is atrocious looking to a professional, I'm sure, but it was a fun puzzle! Right now, DeBroglie uses a naive escape angle calculation. A major priority in improving the gun is to fix that!

As of version 0.85 the gun is a step forward in data gathering, courtesy of the Dynamic Clustering, but a step back in sophistication regarding choosing the best fire angle and deciding whether or not to fire. Bringing those elements back up to par are a major priority.

Wheels (Placeholder Movement)

The movement right now is PEZ's Aristocles movement, until I finish writing the targeting and move on to defense.


A turn multiplier lock radar with a factor of 1.95.


This bot's code (messy a state as it's in right now) is available under the RoboWiki Public Code License - Version 1.1 or any later version.