
From Robowiki
Revision as of 15:23, 13 June 2012 by Jmb (talk | contribs)
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JMB is a computer programmer/webdeveloper from New Zealand. In 2012 upon discovering robocode, He started a competition at work which has let to a series of 'apc' bots being uploaded to the rumble.

The competition took place on a 1200x1200 battle field, with an all in meele arrangement run weekly for 6 weeks. This encouraged quick hacks rather than careful coding but meant the competition had real urgency which made it more fun.

We had a total of 14 entries, plus added 4 sample bots to the meele. Sample bots were removed when they come at the bottom of the score table. So far ramfire, tracker, and spinbot have been eliminated Walls still remains. Enterants were encouraged to write their own code, but often used code snippets from the wiki.

He finds it very odd to be talking in the third person...

Robots: FaceOfBoe