unit testing movement predictor

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unit testing movement predictor

I posted what I used to test my prediction here: User:Voidious/LocationBot. Basically it's a bot that records its movement along a bunch of random paths and prints the input (start location / heading / velocity, movement commands) and output (final location / heading) that you'd need to pass to a precise prediction unit test. (Actually it prints the actual method call so you can just copy/paste it into a unit test, if you sync it up with your method name and parameter list.)

Voidious21:29, 15 November 2012

Thanks! I'll use that to suss out any MovementPredictor bugs.

The whole thing is probably far far less than ideal in performance terms.. but the pluggable prediction ender and pluggable distance controller are features I liked adding for the purpose of letting people plug this into their own bots. :)

Tkiesel03:42, 16 November 2012