
From Robowiki
Revision as of 14:17, 1 December 2012 by Skotty (talk | contribs) (minor update of development status)
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A user interface for RoboRunner currently being developed by Skotty. Once the user interface is complete, this page will provide details on it; until then, this page will provide information on development progress.

Development Progress

The RoboJogger UI is being built using Skotty's existing Swing codebase as a starting point. This means some of the background code may not be entirely clean or relevant, but it will speed development considerably.

At present, there is no licensing restrictions on any of the code, as it is all written entirely by Skotty and Skotty generally doesn't bother with licenses for his own code. However, some kind of open source license may be applied to RoboJogger before it is released, provided there is any desire for such.

Code to handle setup is complete (e.g. the windows and background code that is the equivalent of running in RoboRunner). This part provides a window for selecting the Robocode directory and number of threads, as well as a progress bar for the setup once setup is started. One minor bonus feature is that it will preserve any previously existing file (if one exists), replacing only the robocodePaths entry. As currently written, the copy step that copies from the Robocode directory does not copy robots from the robots folder.

Code to run battles has been started. This development can be broken down into:

  1. Adding/Removing Challenges From List -- started
  2. Handling Challenge Results -- not started
  3. Clearing Robot Files ( and -- started
  4. Running RoboRunner -- not started