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Author(s) Rednaxela
Extends TeamRobot
Targeting Circular Targeting, Guaranteed Hit Targeting
Movement Aggressive Movement, Anti-Gravity Movement
Current Version 1.6

Background Information

What's special about it?
On the surface, it just appears to be LunarTwins with more bots, but internally it's far more sophisticated than you would think.
  • The core code is made of 37 classes in 8 different packages.
  • All 5 of its robots have different names and color schemes, but share the same code.
  • It has a custom, extensible robot framework (polylunar.base). Its radar, gun, movement, and broadcast systems are completely separated.
  • It has a distributed team radar system, where each robot scans one bot and uses message-passing to communicate its details to its teammates. It has a "combination optimizer" to enhance this system. Each bot broadcasts its own status as well.
  • It has a kd-tree implementation.
  • It has a Precise Prediction Robocode physics bot simulator.
  • It uses precise wave intersection to perform Guaranteed Hit Targeting, where it finds firing angles that are 100% certain to hit (only occurs at close range).
  • It implements a "tag-team movement" where it picks bots to chase other bots. It has a "combination optimizer" for that, as well.
  • As a backup movement, it implements Anti-Gravity Movement, repelling from enemies, teammates (slightly less), corners, and walls.
  • Seriously, just look at the source code. It's incredible.
How competitive is it?
It's #5 in TeamRumble, as of August 2017.
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