File talk:PWIN GREATER THAN 100.png

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PWIN > 100%?218:12, 10 November 2017

PWIN > 100%?

it really surprised me that PWIN once get greater than 100%. Is that a bug? Or how can this be produced.

Xor (talk)11:24, 9 November 2017

It will return back to %100. It probably happens when somebody deletes a bot from the rumble and it doesn't get updated. It happened to me about 10 times but I'm not sure about the reason.

Dsekercioglu (talk)11:38, 9 November 2017

I also saw a glitch in the rumble stats where KNNPBI was -80% while my APS was 60%. Which looked like impossible combination. Before I grabed a screen shot it disappeared.

Beaming (talk)18:12, 10 November 2017