Talk:Random Targeting

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It might be worth adding a "bots using" subpage to this, but I can only think of one other than FloodNano. If we do, we could cut/paste Kawigi's comment below to the description of FloodNano there... For now I'm just dropping the comment from PEZ about the bot "RandomTargeting" on the old wiki. --Voidious 01:23, 12 November 2007 (UTC)

General discussion

A variation of this is used by the PerceptualBot Pandora.

In one-on-one survival battles you can work out, with the robocode rules at the time of writing, that you need to hit one bullet out of eight to stay ahead of the other bot on energy. Therefore Pandora will randomly select a point on an arc of length 320 with the enemy currently in the middle of the arc. Because most bots are Oscillators, I use a gaussian (bell-shaped normal distribution) random variable.


FloodNano also has random targeting, but only in a small range, so it won't hit any kind of musashi-trick-esque movement. -- Kawigi