Dynamic Clustering - How many matches do you look for?

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I tried using WaveSim but having some issues. We try to classify tick N, however we have only been fed tick s up to around 50 less than Tick N, so I cannot get any state from the classify Tick Data about the target bots state at ticks N-1 to N-50. This means I cannot do classification using data like distance "moved last 10 ticks" for instance. Any way to do this?

Wolfman10:28, 18 March 2013

I had that same problem. The suggestion I got was to modify the robot with whatever data you want to record and rerun the battles, and then use that in your classifier.

But I ended up just using the Tick Classifier (or whatever its called).

Chase14:24, 18 March 2013

Yeah, WaveSim is really at its best if the data set has all the attributes you use for targeting. Then you can just use the wave classifier and everything's very clean. The TickClassifier gets fed every tick as it happens, so you can use that to supplement the data from the wave classifiers. (Your classifier can implement both.)

It shouldn't be too hard to modify TripHammer to collect different attributes, or to modify your own bot to collect the data. I have a newer/better TripHammer I never got around to releasing, rebased off Diamond after a bit a refactor/rewrite: [1] ... I'd work off that one if you go that route. voidious/gun/TripHammerGunDataManager has all the data writing stuff pretty cleanly separated out.

Voidious15:51, 18 March 2013

Wouldn't it be good to store the ScannedRobotEvents that triphammer receives, and pipe that into a scanned function in the WaveSim - as well as the wave data feeds. After all, thats all the data that all robots have to go on so you then have everything you need, and scanned data / waves / classify will come in exactly the same order as trip hammer, allowing all bots to do the WaveSim no matter their configuration.

Wolfman16:04, 18 March 2013

Hmm, I think that's a pretty awesome idea in terms of usability, which is probably the main place WaveSim is lacking. I'll definitely look into that if/when I next work on WaveSim.

But another way WaveSim gains speed over real battles is that if you record all the attribute data ahead of time, you don't have to do any complex math (trig, square roots) in your WaveSim test runs to deduce that stuff. So you'd lose that part.

Voidious16:19, 18 March 2013