Version 0.9.2 Bugs

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Version 0.9.2 Bugs

I try and do a tcas/tcrm challenge, but I get a Challenge not supported. Unsupported scoring type: AVERAGE_BULLET_DAMAGE.

Doesn't robojogger support this scoring method? Or does it have a different challenge file syntax? If so, what is it?

Unfortunately, I need to go back to roboresearch.

EDIT: After some research, I found it was "BULLET_DAMAGE", please make it support "AVERAGE_BULLET_DAMAGE" as well, if only as an alias. So that we can just copy and paste roboresearch challenge files. :)

    Chase14:09, 24 December 2012

    It seems to fill in the results with 100, despite the actual scoring in the roborunner output being something else. The results in the results window do not update during the running (not even the erroneous scores). The confidence scores were always 0.0, just as the scoring was always 100.0.

    Even after a full three seasons, the scores did not correct themselves. The correct results are in RoboRunner output of course.

    Hehe, while I wish I could believe I made a gun which produced such scores, I didn't.

      Chase14:22, 24 December 2012

      The scores not updating during running is normal. I'm waiting for the next release of RoboRunner before I implement that. As for the messed up scores, I would guess this has something to do with an error in what I'm doing with the scoring type. All of my testing so far has been with PERCENT_SCORE. I'll start testing with other scoring types and fix whatever problems I find.

        Skotty16:40, 24 December 2012

        Would anyone like me to add an option to send RoboRunner output to a text file?

          Skotty16:53, 24 December 2012