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Latest revision as of 17:11, 17 September 2017

# gigarumble.txt - Configuration file for top-30 RoboRumble (1v1 battles)

# Username. It's highly recommendable that you change this to use your name

# USER      The username used when uploading the results to the RoboRumble
#           server. Hence, you should replace 'Put_Your_Name_Here' with your
#           name, which could be the initials you use for your robot(s).


# Exclude filter used for excluding participants. Use with care!

# EXCLUDE   A comma separated list of all the participants you want to exclude
#           from the competition. Excluded participants will not be downloaded
#           or take part in battles. This way you can exclude participants that
#           cannot be downloaded due to web servers that are down or hanging,
#           the repository is down, robots/teams that crashes for some reason or
#           cause other trouble. 
#           You can use the filename wildcards * and ? in the filter. Example:
#           EXCLUDE=xyz.*v1.?, *Nano*


# Properties for controlling the rumble. Use YES or NOT

# DOWNLOAD  Download data like participants, missing robots, rating files etc.
#           from Internet if these have not been downloaded for 2 hours.
# EXECUTE   Execute battles. Battles files are first created and old battles
#           files are deleted before the battles are executed.
# UPLOAD    Upload results to the RoboRumble server specified by the RESULTSURL
#           property.
# ITERATE   If set to NOT, the rumble will only execute battles once.
#           If set to YES, the rumble will restart with new battles every time
#           the battles have been executed, and it will run infinitely until
#           terminated.


# MELEE     Must be set if this rumble is meant for melee battles.
# TEAMS     Must be set if this rumble is meant for team battles.
#           This flag is necessary, as jar files for robot teams are different
#           from jar files for ordinary robots.

# MELEE=NOT as this property file is not meant for melee battles.
# TEAM=NOT, as this property file is not meant for team battles.

# Do not modify these properties!


# Properties for the battle engine

# FIELDL      Battlefield width measured in pixels.
# FIELDH      Battlefield height measured in pixels.
# NUMBATTLES  Number of battles performed per rumble.
# ROUNDS      Number of rounds per battle.

# These are standard values for the RoboRumble. Do not modify these properties!


# INPUT     Input battles file that is generated by the rumble automatically.
#           The rumble uses this file for selecting which robots that must
#           battle against each other.
# OUTPUT    Battle results file, which is the output of running the rumble.


# Properties for retrieving robots from Internet

# BOTSREP   The robot repository where downloaded robots are put.
# TEMP      Directory containing all temporary files for RoboRumble.


# Properties for updating participants from Internet

#           URL to the web page containing all participants of the competition,
#           which will be used for updating the participants file specified with
#           the PARTICIPANTSFILE property.
#           File containing all the participants for the competition.
# STARTAG   Tag marking the start and end of the participants on the web page
#           pointed to with the PARTICIPANTSURL property.
#           URL used for removing old participants, which is used for updating
#           the participants file specified with the PARTICIPANTSFILE property.




# Properties to control the way battles are run 

# RUNONLY   If left black or set to GENERAL, a new battle file is created where
#           robots from the participants file are paired at random. The number
#           of robot pairs will match number of battles defined the NUMBATTLES
#           property. 
#           If set to SERVER (recommended), a new battle file is created which
#           will first of all contain priority battles for robots that that has
#           priority over other robots until they have fought a specific number
#           of battles specified by the BATTLESPERBOT property. The number of
#           battles fought by the individual robots are extracted from the
#           rating files, which are downloaded from the server if the DOWNLOAD
#           property is set to YES. When no more priority battles are left,
#           robots from the participants file are paired at random similar to
#           GENERAL.
#           The number of battles a robot has to fight before it will no longer
#           have priority over other robots in battles. Prioritizing a robot
#           makes its rating more reliable faster as its number of fought
#           battles increases faster than when it is not prioritized.
#           The priority battles file that is generated automatically by the
#           rumble when the RUNONLY property is set to SERVER.




# Properties for uploading the results to the server

#           URL used for uploading the results to the server. 
#           File containing the number of battles fought by the robots, which is
#           returned by the server when results are uploaded to the server.



# Properties for URLs and file names for the rating files to download

#           URL to where ratings files are located on Internet.
#           File name for the rating file of the general RoboRumble.
#           File name for the rating file of the MiniRumble.
#           File name for the rating file of the MicroRumble.
#           File name for the rating file of the NanoRumble.

