Possible bug report

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Possible bug report

Heya Voidious,

I think I may have found a bug.

I finished a run of deBroglie rev0130 last night on the test bed you made for me. Score was in the lower 80s.

Just now, I manually made a .rrc testbed with some high performing bots. Started running it, and here's the output. Looks like RoboRunner is carrying over the score from the other challenge file?

~/roborunner $ ./rr.sh -bot tjk.deBroglie rev0130 -c debroglie_mega.rrc -seasons 20

Copying missing bots... 0 JAR copies done!

Initializing engine: ./robocodes/r1... done!

Initializing engine: ./robocodes/r3... done!

Initializing engine: ./robocodes/r2... done!

Challenger: tjk.deBroglie rev0130

Challenge: deBroglie Megabot test

Seasons: 20

Threads: 3

 tjk.deBroglie rev0130 vs lxx.Tomcat 3.67c: 39.79, took 57.6s, avg: 39.79

Overall score: 81.16, 170.42 seasons

 tjk.deBroglie rev0130 vs voidious.Diamond 1.8.1: 31.91, took 72.3s, avg: 31.91

Overall score: 80.83, 170.5 seasons

 tjk.deBroglie rev0130 vs jk.mega.DrussGT 2.7.3: 37.2, took 82.0s, avg: 37.2

Overall score: 80.54, 170.58 seasons

    Tkiesel18:13, 26 July 2012

    Yep, it seems I'm printing the overall score for every bot you've faced, not just the ones in the current challenge file that's loaded. I'll see about fixing that later today. You can just delete (or rename for now) the file from the data directory if you want to start fresh. Thanks!

      Voidious18:22, 26 July 2012

      Or you could keep/copy just the lines for those bots in the data file, if you feel like mucking with it.

        Voidious18:33, 26 July 2012

        Ok, posted the fix in 1.0.1: [1] Only things to update are the RoboRunner JAR and rr.sh which points to it. It was just a problem with the output, so things should work fine with your old data file, if you still have it.

          Voidious22:20, 26 July 2012

          Hi mate. I got a little Exception :)

          java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
          	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerGet(FutureTask.java:222)
          	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(FutureTask.java:83)
          	at robowiki.runner.BattleRunner.getAllFutures(BattleRunner.java:95)
          	at robowiki.runner.BattleRunner.runBattles(BattleRunner.java:80)
          	at robowiki.runner.RoboRunner.runBattles(RoboRunner.java:338)
          	at robowiki.runner.RoboRunner.main(RoboRunner.java:89)
          Caused by: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
          	at robowiki.runner.RoboRunner.printOverallScores(RoboRunner.java:485)
          	at robowiki.runner.RoboRunner.access$4(RoboRunner.java:466)
          	at robowiki.runner.RoboRunner$3.processResults(RoboRunner.java:734)
          	at robowiki.runner.BattleRunner$BattleCallable$2.run(BattleRunner.java:197)
          	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:441)

          One question. If i fork RoboRunner to my GitHub repositories and make changes, does it mean i have a new project or is it more like a separate branch and we could merge some changes i made?

          Take care

          edit: stupid me, i posted just the head

            Wompi11:26, 22 August 2012

            Seems like this would only happen when printing the overall score for 0 battles? Is it possible that was the situation? If so I'm not as worried about it being a bug, but we should check for it and print something nicer. If it shouldn't have had 0 total battles, then it's a deeper problem with the score tallying I guess.

            This is my first experience with GitHub, so I don't know for sure, but I'm pretty sure the main idea behind forking is for you to make changes and then I can pull them back in. I think you issue a "pull request" once you've made your changes. I also think it can function fine as a new project if you don't ever intend to merge back.

              Voidious15:32, 22 August 2012

              Yep the problem is deeper. It looks like, if i had no battles before everything is fine (not 100% sure). Then, if i restart the test run this Exception comes up. I run it with 20 seasons (melee).

              I made just a quick fix for me, so i can still use it. The only thing i lost was the 'Overall' score output - but i'm fine with the 'Average' output.

              I have forked your repository and made a new brunch from the main branch, not sure if you can see it on your side to. The only thing i changed so far is the output of the melee score (just formatting). Yes, i guess i will use it mainly as new project and tweak it to my needs, but i thought for little bug fixes it would be easier to just merge the branches.

                Wompi15:59, 22 August 2012

                So you can see the latest and average score for each battle, but overall score throws that exception? How strange. Could you post your data file somewhere so I can try to reproduce? That would be super helpful. (roborunner/data/package.BotName version.xml.gz)

                I'd certainly like to pull back any bug fixes or awesome new features. =) What's your melee score output look like? I've used it for Melee a little but mostly 1v1, and even for Melee I tend to focus on overall score, so I'm open to suggestion. I've also considered a -verbose option (or something) for printing extra scoring details, like survival/bullet damage even when you specify APS as the scoring style.

                  Voidious16:18, 22 August 2012

                  Yep give me a second i rollback the fix and give you the output file ....

                    Wompi16:42, 22 August 2012

                    Ok there it is RoboRunner-bugtrace.zip. Looks like i was wrong it happens straight from the start. I deleted all xml files and the output of the first run is shown in the zip file. Maybe it helps :). Let me know if you need more. i broke the run after the second season with 'CTRL-C'.

                    Well, i just made the melee output a little more 'eye' friendly :) but i guess i will enhance the output to something that i use in my other outputs in the next days (nothing serious just a little more info on bullet hit ratio of all bots,some movement stats, sorted output of APS and a table of all bot score to each other). Based on an early RoboRunner version i rewrote it to a console like application. So basically you start the program and use console commands to configure,run.output some stuff. Unfortunately does it not use multiple threads and i'm now back to the latest RoboRunner and maybe i can merge the two somehow.

                    I think if you look in GitHub at Network you should see the forks that go of of your main branch.

                      Wompi17:18, 22 August 2012

                      Great, thanks! I was able to duplicate it here and figured out the problem. RoboRunner gets confused by having 2 of the same bot in a battle (mld.DustBunny 3.8 in this case). It looks like BattleListener eats the result right away when it builds a map of scores by bot name/version. (Edit: So RoboRunner has zero scores for the actual bot list when it tries to calculate overall score.) I have to head out in a few minutes, but I'll try to get a fix out later tonight or tomorrow.

                        Voidious01:03, 23 August 2012