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Revision as of 27 November 2012 at 08:15.
This is the thread's initial revision.

Please provide a simple UI for this. All attempts I have made to run this on windows have met with extreme aversion and then failure.

I got it setup, installed, and finally detecting the correct classes (multiple reasons why this was failing). But then it constantly complained I was not defining the robot to run, the challenge or so forth. I was do all of those, in the exact same format presented in the help examples. I made sure. In the meantime I have switched back to RoboResearch, which works.

It doesn't have to be a comprehensive UI. A simple program that runs the console command for (to remove human error) would be perfectly acceptable. Probably two file browse boxes and a number spinner for seasons.

That way we know its a problem with the program if it doesn't work.

    Chase10:15, 27 November 2012