No last survivor bonus being given

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In 1v1, % score benefits survivalists slightly less if survival bonus is not taken in account.

% score is: (winnerSurvBonus + winnerOtherScores) / (winnerSurvBonus + winnerOtherScores + loserOtherscores)

Assuming the loser scored more than zero, the denominator is always higher than the numerator, and higher surv bonus increases % score.

Only Twin Duel will remain the same, since it uses survival 1sts alone.

MN (talk)18:13, 13 August 2013

Oh, you're right of course. It won't affect "Survival" score in 1v1 is what I was thinking about, but it will affect regular score.

Voidious (talk)18:15, 13 August 2013

This would explain the drop in APS in the melee top bots when we switched to A reset wouldn't be a bad thing necessarily once this is fixed, and Robowiki/rumble seems a bit slow anyway at the moment.

Skilgannon (talk)17:44, 14 August 2013

It might be a good time for me to open my custom rumble client. It still has a bunch of hardcoded behaviour where it shouldn´t though.

MN (talk)18:21, 14 August 2013