Expected bullets off a bit first 100 ticks of first round

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Expected bullets off a bit first 100 ticks of first round

Skilgannon -- I'm playing around with trying to shield against a slightly different targeting approach where you have to factor in robot turn (generally for robots that don't set the gun to adjust for robot turn). An example robot would be several of the oog.* robots, such as Fuatisha. EnergyDome can shield against these robots, and quite well. However, I generally can't get over a score of about 85%. The problem is, for the first 100 ticks or so, if the opponent is moving, the expected aim is off by about 0.005 radians. After 100 ticks or so, it's dead on for the rest of the 35 rounds. Those first 100 ticks or so and the error that comes with it is enough for me to miss those shielding shots and the reason for my less than perfect score. I'm curious, did you not run into this same phenomenon? How does EnergyDome deal with this so successfully? Is it that your shadow is broad enough to cover the error, whereas mine is not?

Skotty08:52, 24 February 2013

I was having very iffy performance against bots that don't use setAdjustGunForRobotTurn(true); until I discovered I was taking the delta-heading from the wrong tick - it should be lastEnemyHeading - lastLastEnemyHeading, rather than a tick even further back. If that isn't the issue, I'm not sure what is - it could be that my shadow is slightly broader, but DrussGT only gets ~70% vs. Fuatisha, so clearly at least there my shielding isn't enough to completely shut it out. Unless I've got a bug in my integration code...

Skilgannon10:37, 24 February 2013

I'm wondering if maybe, even though not as pronounced as on some other systems like Wompi's, if maybe I am experiencing a few hidden skipped turns due to garbage collection or something. However, the problem seems to persist even when paint is turned on, which I thought eliminated time restrictions, so maybe not. What I am definitely going to do is find an opponent I can modify to print out additional diagnostic information to help figure out why the discrepancy exists. If I find anything interesting, I'll post on it.

Skotty20:35, 24 February 2013

I think I have it figured out. I move slightly against shots where opponent is not moving. Looks like I was just moving too much, which overly polluted the data of some opponents.

Skotty23:12, 24 February 2013