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Please provide a simple UI for this. All attempts I have made to run this on windows have met with extreme aversion and then failure.

I got it setup, installed, and finally detecting the correct classes (multiple reasons why this was failing). But then it constantly complained I was not defining the robot to run, the challenge or so forth. I was do all of those, in the exact same format presented in the help examples. I made sure. In the meantime I have switched back to RoboResearch, which works.

It doesn't have to be a comprehensive UI. A simple program that runs the console command for (to remove human error) would be perfectly acceptable. Probably two file browse boxes and a number spinner for seasons.

That way we know its a problem with the program if it doesn't work.

Chase10:15, 27 November 2012

I could probably build a Java UI to launch it. Skotty

Skotty20:16, 27 November 2012

I'm now working on a Java user interface for RoboRunner that I call the RoboJogger UI for RoboRunner (or just RoboJogger). I have past experience writing Java Swing applications and also prefer having a UI rather than just a command line tool, so this is a good project for me. I don't have nearly as much free time as I would like, so it may be a few weeks before I have it up and running, but I can keep anyone who is interested up to date on my progress. Skotty

Skotty08:51, 29 November 2012

Would be very cool to see a nice UI, please do keep us up to date. :-) I think the main thing I'd want to make sure a UI could do is to queue up multiple runs at a time, which is easy to overlook and comes for free (with shell scripts) with the command line version.

When I was considering a UI, my main idea was to make it a web interface. In part because that seems simple, portable, and like something I know how to do, and also because it would offer remote monitoring and access for free. I know I like to check on/alter long running tests while I'm out sometimes. But others may not be as OCD as me and prefer a more native UI.

Voidious18:40, 29 November 2012

A WebUI doesn't actually seem like that bad of idea actually.

Chase01:41, 30 November 2012