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Time | User | Activity | Comment |
20:33, 5 November 2017 | Wolfman (talk | contribs) | New thread created | |
03:58, 6 November 2017 | Beaming (talk | contribs) | New reply created | (Reply to Setting VisualVM Up) |
04:26, 6 November 2017 | Rsalesc (talk | contribs) | New reply created | (Reply to Setting VisualVM Up) |
16:59, 6 November 2017 | Xor (talk | contribs) | New reply created | (Reply to Setting VisualVM Up) |
Does anyone have any experience getting this to work in order to profile a robot? I can get it to profile robocode but as soon as I try to profile my robot I get all sorts of errors in my robot's log output followed by it being "banned" by robocode.
Or are people using something else to do profiling? If so, what and how?
I do it with a special profiler class in my EvBotNG which is the part of my framelib. You can see the profiler class at The examples of it use are sprinkled all over EvBotNG. In the essence, when you need
to start a timer for some code you say profiler.start( "methodName" )
and then at the end of the profiled code you say profiler.stop( "methodName" )
. Once you ready to see the stats, you call profiler.formatAll( )
I do it at the end of every round.
This will print a nice looking statistic table which shows nested profiled chunks in a tree like structure. Something like
Profiler stats--------------------------- times exec | min | average | max | total | method name 9 | 3.1 mS | 3.6 mS | 5.9 mS | 32.0 mS | gameInfo.initBattle 10430 | 1.2 mS | 3.0 mS | 22.7 mS | 31.0 S | gameInfo.ticCycle 10430 | 108.8 uS | 842.2 uS | 17.9 mS | 8.8 S | gameInfo.initTic 10430 | 506 nS | 2.2 uS | 103.1 uS | 22.4 mS | botsManager.initTic 10430 | 96.1 uS | 586.0 uS | 17.7 mS | 6.1 S | fighterBot.initTic eem.EvBotNG vtest 10430 | 540 nS | 2.5 uS | 264.8 uS | 25.7 mS | gunManager.initTic 10430 | 89.1 uS | 570.1 uS | 17.7 mS | 5.9 S | motion_exactPathDangerMotion.initTic 9627 | 82.1 uS | 390.8 uS | 14.7 mS | 3.8 S | choseNewPath with nTrials = 2 803 | 605.2 uS | 2.4 mS | 17.7 mS | 2.0 S | choseNewPath with nTrials = 20 10430 | 383 nS | 1.4 uS | 52.5 uS | 14.2 mS | processScheduledEnergyDrop 200 | 3.5 uS | 144.0 uS | 3.5 mS | 28.8 mS | removeBulletsOutsideOfHitRegion 10172 | 2.7 uS | 106.5 uS | 10.4 mS | 1.1 S | fighterBot.initTic jk.mega.DrussGT 3.2.1 10172 | 458 nS | 1.6 uS | 80.4 uS | 16.1 mS | gunManager.initTic 10172 | 387 nS | 100.1 uS | 10.3 mS | 1.0 S | processScheduledEnergyDrop 2484 | 12.3 uS | 46.0 uS | 1.3 mS | 114.3 mS | calcFiringSolutionGFdangers 10430 | 4.5 uS | 126.7 uS | 12.8 mS | 1.3 S | wavesManager.initTic 10430 | 14.2 uS | 2.1 mS | 19.5 mS | 22.2 S | 6655 | 130.3 uS | 1.1 mS | 16.5 mS | 7.4 S | Thread.sleep 10430 | 5.6 uS | 1.4 mS | 19.4 mS | 14.7 S | fighterBot.manage eem.EvBotNG vtest 10430 | 3.9 uS | 1.4 mS | 19.4 mS | 14.5 S | gunManagerManage 2369 | 14.5 uS | 55.3 uS | 4.8 mS | 131.1 mS | calcFiringSolutionGFdangers 10430 | 634 nS | 18.7 uS | 558.3 uS | 195.0 mS | gunManagerManage.aimTheGun 10430 | 574 nS | 1.3 mS | 19.4 mS | 13.9 S | gunManagerManage.findTheBestTarget 10172 | 440 nS | 2.0 uS | 1.1 mS | 20.4 mS | fighterBot.manage jk.mega.DrussGT 3.2.1 ---------------------------
At least on the time performance side, I basically do the same thing most of the robocoders do: logging logs to the console. On the memory side, though, it is a nice question. :)