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Well, that brings up the question of what one exactly means by "highly efficient against both", or to put it another way, how one scores the individuals in the genetic tuning.

The most common way to interpret it may be optimizing for APS, but that will tend to give very little weight being "highly efficient against surfers". Another way to interpret is optimizing the win percentage. In my mind the phrase "highly efficient against both" would imply optimizing with a scoring system that divides the population into "surfers" and "non-surfers" giving roughly equal weight to them, but the phrase is a bit vague.

Rednaxela (talk)22:00, 7 December 2013

Giving equal weight to surfers and non-surfers will hurt APS ranking. But may increase PL ranking.

MN (talk)20:57, 8 December 2013

If multi-objective optimization is being done, than surfers and non-surfers can be separated in distinct objectives. The output will be many different sets of weights, with different compromises between surfers and non-surfers, although all of them Pareto efficient.

MN (talk)21:01, 8 December 2013