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From User talk:Tkiesel/MovementPredictor
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Time User Activity Comment
19:15, 26 May 2012 Nat (talk | contribs) New thread created  
15:34, 27 May 2012 Tkiesel (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to My Improved Code)

My Improved Code

I never thought someone would actually use my code, so I never got around posting the improved version. I'll try to do that for you soon (as soon as I can find the code)

Though the core movement function hasn't changed, and my improvements probably wouldn't affect your expansion, it does include (what I believe to be) some cool features. GoTo-wrapping is one, another is method to find possible sequence of 'PredictionStatus' from one status to another over given time. It is extremely useful in melee battle, though I haven't test if it give better result than simple linear-prediction.

Nat Pavasant19:15, 26 May 2012

That's wonderful! I'd love to incorporate your improved version, and hopefully the work I've done will be useful to you and others here on RoboWiki!

I've got precise MEA up and working, including an example bot. I've put it into DeBroglie so I can see how it looks with real firing waves, and enemy bots sometimes do get outside of the marked angular bounds on the wave. Something to debug here...

The wall smoothing freaks out a bit when a bot intentionally goes for the wall.. and its especially touchy with a bot like sample.Walls.

Tkiesel15:34, 27 May 2012