Uploads by FlemmingLarsen

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
11:40, 28 November 2007 MatBot.jpg (file) 9 KB Picture of the robot named MatBot, which is one Mathew Nelson's robots. 1
22:39, 29 November 2007 NewBattle.jpg (file) 14 KB Starting a new battle by selecting New in the Battle menu 1
23:29, 29 November 2007 WolverineVsRapture.jpg (file) 11 KB Battle between Wolvering versus Rapture 1
23:33, 29 November 2007 FileDownload.png (file) 13 KB Showing a file dialog for downloading Rapture 2.13 1
23:36, 29 November 2007 SaveAs.png (file) 25 KB Showing a Save As file dialog for choosing where to save Rapture 2.13 1
23:38, 29 November 2007 ImportRobot.png (file) 3 KB Showing how to select "Import downloaded Robot" from the Robot menu 1
23:40, 29 November 2007 SelectedRobots.png (file) 723 bytes Showing two selected robots from the New Battle dialog 1
12:43, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-FileNewProject.png (file) 4 KB Shows how to select a new project from the File menu in Eclipse [Category:Robocode Documentations] [Category:Eclipse IDE] 1
12:49, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-NewProjectWizard.png (file) 17 KB Shows a dialog for creating a new project by selecting a wizard Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
13:04, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-NewProjectAddExtJars.png (file) 9 KB Shows that the "Libraries" tab must be selected and then the "Add External Jars..." on the pane with Java Settings in the New Java Project dialog Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
13:19, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-NewJavaProject.png (file) 23 KB Shows a dialog for creating a new Java project where the user must type in a name for the new project Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
13:36, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-NewProjectEditJavadocLocation.png (file) 28 KB Shows that the "Javadoc location: (None)" line under "robocode.jar" must be selected and then the "Edit..." in the New Java Project dialog Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
13:41, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-RobocodeJavadocURL.png (file) 13 KB Shows a dialog where the user must specify the URL of the Javadoc location path of Robocode Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
13:51, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-NewClass.png (file) 13 KB Shows how to select a new class by right-clicking on the MyRobots project Category:Robocode DocumentationsCategory:Eclipse IDE 1
13:55, 1 December 2007 Eclise-NewJavaClass.png (file) 25 KB Shows the dialog for creating a new Java class named FnlBot, which is inherited from the robocode.Robot class Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
13:57, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-NewJavaClass.png (file) 25 KB Shows the dialog for creating a new Java class named FnlBot, which is inherited from the robocode.Robot class Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
14:21, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-FnlBotEdit1.png (file) 10 KB Shows editing the newly created FnlBot.java source file, which is empty and needs to be filled out with some code Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
14:23, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-FnlBotEdit2.png (file) 14 KB Shows editing the newly created FnlBot.java source file, which has now been filled out with a bit more meaningful code Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
22:54, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-ToggleBreakpoint.png (file) 30 KB Shows how to toggle a breakpoint in Eclipse by first right-clicking in the border area of the source editor, and then select "Toggle Breakpoint" in the popup menu that occurs Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
22:58, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-Breakpoint.png (file) 30 KB Shows a breakpoint that has been set in Eclipse as a blue bullet in the border of the source editor Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
23:01, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-StartDebugging.png (file) 21 KB Shows how to start debugging of the MyRobots project in Eclipse Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
23:04, 1 December 2007 PauseDebugButton.png (file) 12 KB Shows the Pause/Debug button of the Battle View of Robocode, which has been pressed down Category:Robocode Documentation 1
23:09, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-BreakpointHit.png (file) 32 KB Shows the current stack trace in the Debug Perspective in Eclipse when the execution has stopped at the breakpoint that has been set Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
23:12, 1 December 2007 NextTurnButton.png (file) 11 KB Shows the Next Turn button of the Battle View of Robocode, which has been pressed down Category:Robocode Documentation 1
23:16, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-DebugStepOverButton.png (file) 2 KB Shows the "step over" button of the toolbar for the debugger in Eclipse Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE Category:Debugging 1
23:20, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-SingleStep.png (file) 31 KB Shows a single step from a break point that has been in Eclipse Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE Category:Debugging 1
23:33, 1 December 2007 DevelopmentOptions.png (file) 12 KB Shows the Development Options pane in the Preferences dialog, which let's the user type or browse to the /robots folder from a project from another IDE Category:Robocode Documentation 1
23:37, 1 December 2007 NewBattleDialog-FnlBot.png (file) 15 KB Show the New Battle dialog showing the FnlBot beside the sample robots Category:Robocode Documentation 1
23:41, 1 December 2007 PressingCtrlSpace.png (file) 9 KB Shows the popup that will occur when the user press CTRL-SPACE on an uncompleted method name, which suggests the method names available based on the letters already typed Category:Robocode Documentation 1
23:47, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-RunAs.png (file) 34 KB Shows how to start running a robot by right-clicking on the robot project, and then select "Run..." from the "Run As" item on the popup menu that occurs in Eclipse Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
23:50, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-RunJavaApplication.png (file) 27 KB Shows the Run dialog where the user must first press the "New" button, and then click "Java Application" to create a launch configuration for the robot Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
23:55, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-RunConfigMain.png (file) 29 KB Shows the Run dialog's run configuration details for the Main pane, where the name of the launch configuration must be typed in Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
23:59, 1 December 2007 Eclipse-RunConfigArguments.png (file) 33 KB Shows the Run dialog's run configuration details for the Arguments pane, where the text field path for "Other:" under "Working Directory" must be typed in Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
00:04, 2 December 2007 Eclipse-RunMyRobots.png (file) 19 KB Shows the popup menu that occurs when the user selects the "run" button in Eclipse, where MyRobots launch configuration must be selected in order to run it Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
21:45, 10 December 2007 GfxDebugCrazySpotted.png (file) 40 KB Shows some paintings (a red line and square) on the battleview, where the robot debug.Tracker has spotted the sample.Crazy robot. Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Debugging Category:Tutorials 1
00:06, 6 February 2008 Eclipse-JarSelection.png (file) 34 KB Shows the JAR Selection dialog where the user must first select the libs dir within the Robocode root dir and press the "Open" button Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 3
00:08, 6 February 2008 Eclipse-JarSelection2.png (file) 32 KB Shows the JAR Selection dialog where the user must secondly select the robocode.jar file within the libs dir and press the "Open" button Category:Robocode Documentation Category:Eclipse IDE 1
23:22, 14 February 2010 VS2008 New Project dialog.png (file) 60 KB Shows the New Project dialog in Visual Studio, where the 'Class Library' must be selected, and the name of the new project is MyProject. 1
23:24, 14 February 2010 VS2008 Save Project dialog.png (file) 29 KB Shows the Save Project dialog in Visual Studio, where the the is set to 'MyProject', the location is 'C:' and the solution name is 'MySolution'. 1
23:25, 14 February 2010 VS2008 Solution Explorer MyProject.png (file) 10 KB Shows the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio for the new project named 'MyProject'. 1
23:27, 14 February 2010 VS2008 Solution Explorer MyProject references.png (file) 13 KB Shows the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio for 'MyProject', where all default System references are located + the 'robocode' reference needed for accessing the Robocode API. 1
23:32, 14 February 2010 VS2008 Add Reference dialog robocode dll.png (file) 41 KB Shows the Add Reference dialog in Visual Studio, where we finally browse into the 'libs' dir of the Robocode home directory, and select the 'robocode.dll' to add as reference. 2
23:33, 14 February 2010 VS2008 Add Reference dialog robocode folder.png (file) 44 KB Shows the Add Reference dialog in Visual Studio, where we first browse to the Robocode home directory. 1
23:34, 14 February 2010 VS2008 Add New Item MyProject.png (file) 83 KB Shows the Add New Item dialog in Visual Studio, where 'Class' is selected, and the name of the item is MyRobot.cs. 1
23:37, 14 February 2010 VS2008 Properties Assembly name.png (file) 43 KB Shows the Application pane under the Properties of 'MyProject' in Visual Studio, where the assembly name is 'FNL.MyRobot_1.0' and default namespace is 'FNL'. 1
23:39, 14 February 2010 VS2008 MyRobot source code.png (file) 42 KB Shows the source code of MyRobot.cs in the editor of Visual Studio. 1
23:40, 14 February 2010 Robocode Development Options.png (file) 31 KB Shows the Development Options from the Preferences in Robocode, where the file path C:\MySolution\MyProject\bin\Release has been added. 1
21:49, 22 February 2010 VS2008 Set breakpoint.png (file) 30 KB Screenshot that shows a breakpoint set in MyRobot on TurnLeft in the Run method. 1
21:50, 22 February 2010 VS2008 Step over breakpoint.png (file) 32 KB Screenshot that shows the next line that will be executed by the debugger. 1
21:51, 22 February 2010 VS2008 Locals debugging view.png (file) 34 KB Screenshot that shows the changes on variables and properties in red in the Locals view. 1
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