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AgentSmith is currently a work in progress bot designed for the 1v1 rumble competition.

You hear that Mr. Anderson?... That is the sound of inevitability... It is the sound of your death... Goodbye, Mr. Anderson...
Author(s) Wolfman
Extends AdvancedRobot
Targeting Dynamic Clustering
Movement None yet
Current Version 0.5
[-na- Download]

Background Information

AgentSmith has been a bot name I have used for a couple of bots that I have never released over the years. They have always had one thing in common: They used machine learning techniques to try to improve their score. I have used both reinforcement learning and genetic algorithms in various guises. However the bots have never been terribly competitive because the base movement and targeting techniques implemented were never up to scratch and trying to improve the parameters of rubbish techniques doesn't improve the technique, only the effectiveness of the technique.

This version of the AgentSmith is going to be different however. Its still in progress but I plan on making the bot an effective bot before trying to add machine learning techniques to it. Its currently work in progress but I aim to release it on the rumble incrementally and see how my changes get on in a live environment.


How does it move?

Movement has not yet been implemented as I am currently focusing on targeting.

How does it fire?

DynamicClustering. However I aim for my version to be a tiny bit different - its DynamicClustering with automatic segmentation weighting at run time.

How does it dodge bullets?

It doesn't yet.

Additional Information

Where did you get the name?

Agent Smith from the Matrix trilogy, a program that is relentless but can only learn within the bounds of its programming,

TC2K7 Results

I'm going to keep track of my TC2K7 results as a guide to see how my gun is improving over the different versions:

0.1 69.60 72.48 71.34 78.64 70.86 90.124 0 0 81.72 0 0 1 season