Difference between revisions of "MagicD2"

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(MagicD2 2.3)
m (Add category)
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* Fixed a bug involving enemies sitting still
* Fixed a bug involving enemies sitting still
[[Category:1-vs-1 Bots]]

Revision as of 03:25, 17 June 2009

Background Information

Bot Name






What's special about it?

It's a nano without patternmatching, it has an interesting ideas for movement and targeting.

Great, I want to try it. Where can I download it?


How competitive is it?

Not very. It's around the middle of the nanobots in ranking.


How does it move?

It chooses a random distance, and then changes that distance when it gets hit. It works pretty well because it changes the movement whenever the enemy learns about it, and if it finds something that works it can stick with it for a while. I spent a fair amount of time working on this movement and I tried adding stuff like velocity, direction, and turn changes but I found that all of those things made it worse.

How does it fire?

It uses what I call assumed velocity targeting, although it's not really worthy of a name. In this robot's case that means that it plugs in speeds into a linear targeter until it finds one that works. If it dies, it changes the assumed speed.

How does it dodge bullets?

See "How does it move?"

How does the melee strategy differ from one-on-one strategy?

It's just a one-on-one bot

How does it select a target to attack/avoid in melee?

It doesn't.

What does it save between rounds and matches?

It's current gun(if it won) and movement.

Additional Information

Where did you get the name?

It was the first robot I ever made, although it is now a completely different robot just with the same name.

Can I use your code?

Knock yourself out. But don't expect anything special.

What's next for your robot?

Testing. Then probably more testing.

Does it have any White Whales?

WeekendObsession. It was one of my testbots for it, and MagicD2 can usually beat it.

What other robot(s) is it based on?

Well, actually what started me thinking about it was the way many nanos start out their movements, using stop'n'go then switching to random movement if it dies too much.

Version History


  • *Shudder*


  • Current version


  • Fixed a bug involving enemies sitting still