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Revision as of 17:15, 3 July 2012 by Wompi (talk | contribs) (category fixed)
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Version History
Author(s) Wompi
Extends AdvancedRobot
Targeting Single Tick Pattern Matcher
Movement Minimum Risk
Released July 2012
Current Version 1.0
Code License RWPCL

Background Information

What's special about it?

This bot is a try to make Single Tick Pattern Matcher competitive for the melee rumble and therefor it supports this kind of gun system. The radar is a little uncommon within the melee rumble because it has a very high lock rate while still having a good overall field sight.

Hopefully it will be a mini class bot in its final release and stay in the top 10 melee rumble, which would make him quite special :)

How competitive is it?

We will see.


How does it move?

It moves exactly like Wallaby, but this will be changed in future releases. So Minimum Risk combined with Anti Gravity and Oscillating.

How does it fire?

The gun is a single tick pattern matcher that can hold 5.000.000+ pattern per melee match and using all available memory. The average pattern count is 1.000.000+ and is using roughly 100MB. The gun extracts the target angles from the saved pattern in almost no time by looking for the most taken steps. The pattern length is 70 which makes it very nice against long term pattern. It still need huge improvements to detect wall collisions and save the right tick state. Right now it saves the current target state by velocity and heading change.

How does it select a target to attack/avoid?

It takes the closest enemy.

What does it save between rounds and matches?

matches - nothing
rounds - static variables just to save code size, and the collected pattern for every enemy

Additional Information

Where did you get the name?

Well it came from Numbat, an Australian marsupial.

Can I use your code?

Sure it's open source RWPCL.

What's next for your robot?
  • it needs more research for the gun to improve the overall usability
  • the radar need some fixes to be faster
  • finally the movement has to be ready for 1vs1 to hold the bot in the top 10
  • the code size should fit the mini class

Does it have any White Whales?

We will see, but i guess everything above top ten.

What other robot(s) is it based on?

The gun is based on the tutorial bot SingleTick a bot of Simonton. The movement is based on Wallaby another bot of mine. The radar is not based on anyone


Credit goes to Simonton for inventing the Single Tick Pattern matcher idea and making it understandable to me. Of course credit to all RoboWiki contributors for making it easy to learn RoboCode