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package <package>; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import robocode.*; /** * This is the Score class for duels. * * Instantiate this once on match start, and at the top of all the needed events * just pass them to the instance. Call printScore at any time to print the * scores to the console. Call getScore(id) at any time to get the score of the * requested robot (0 = self, 1 = enemy). * * If you'd like to use this in your robot, feel free to, but give credit! * * @author Vuen (original) * @author Jab (contributor) */ public class Score { AdvancedRobot robot; public Score(AdvancedRobot robot) { this.robot = robot; } public double enemyEnergy; public double myEnergy; public String enemyName; public static double[] total = new double[2]; public double[] survivalScore = new double[2]; public double[] bulletDamageBonus = new double[2]; public double[] bulletDamage = new double[2]; public double[] ramDamageBonus = new double[2]; public double[] ramDamage = new double[2]; public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) { myEnergy = robot.getEnergy(); enemyEnergy = e.getEnergy(); if (enemyName == null) enemyName = e.getName(); } public void onBulletHit(BulletHitEvent e) { if (e.getEnergy() < 0.001) { System.out.println("Score.onBulletHit()"); return; } //ignore if enemy dead bulletDamage[0] += robocode.Rules.getBulletDamage(e.getBullet() .getPower()); } public void onHitByBullet(HitByBulletEvent e) { if (robocode.Rules.getBulletDamage(e.getPower()) > myEnergy) { System.out.println("Score.onHitByBullet()"); return; } //ignore if self dead bulletDamage[1] += robocode.Rules.getBulletDamage(e.getBullet() .getPower()); } public void onHitRobot(HitRobotEvent e) { ramDamage[e.isMyFault() ? 0 : 1] += robocode.Rules.ROBOT_HIT_DAMAGE; } public void onWin(WinEvent e) { Vector<Event> v = robot.getAllEvents(); Iterator<Event> i = v.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Event event =; System.out.println("Missed event: " + event.getClass()); if (event instanceof BulletHitEvent) onBulletHit((BulletHitEvent) event); if (event instanceof HitByBulletEvent) onHitByBullet((HitByBulletEvent) event); if (event instanceof HitRobotEvent) onHitRobot((HitRobotEvent) event); } survivalScore[0] = 60; if (v.size() > 0) if (v.lastElement() instanceof BulletHitEvent) bulletDamageBonus[0] = (bulletDamage[0] + ramDamage[0]) * .2; else if (v.lastElement() instanceof HitRobotEvent) ramDamageBonus[0] = (bulletDamage[0] + ramDamage[0]) * .3; ramDamage[0] *= 2; ramDamage[1] *= 2; total[0] += survivalScore[0] + bulletDamageBonus[0] + bulletDamage[0] + ramDamageBonus[0] + ramDamage[0]; total[1] += survivalScore[1] + bulletDamageBonus[1] + bulletDamage[1] + ramDamageBonus[1] + ramDamage[1]; this.printScore(); } public void onDeath(DeathEvent e) { Vector<Event> v = robot.getAllEvents(); Iterator<Event> i = v.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Event event =; System.out.println("Missed event: " + event.getClass()); if (event instanceof BulletHitEvent) onBulletHit((BulletHitEvent) event); if (event instanceof HitByBulletEvent) onHitByBullet((HitByBulletEvent) event); if (event instanceof HitRobotEvent) onHitRobot((HitRobotEvent) event); } survivalScore[1] = 60; if (v.size() > 0) if (v.lastElement() instanceof BulletHitEvent) bulletDamageBonus[1] = (bulletDamage[1] + ramDamage[1]) * .2; else if (v.lastElement() instanceof HitRobotEvent) ramDamageBonus[1] = (bulletDamage[1] + ramDamage[1]) * .3; ramDamage[0] *= 2; ramDamage[1] *= 2; total[0] += survivalScore[0] + bulletDamageBonus[0] + bulletDamage[0] + ramDamageBonus[0] + ramDamage[0]; total[1] += survivalScore[1] + bulletDamageBonus[1] + bulletDamage[1] + ramDamageBonus[1] + ramDamage[1]; this.printScore(); } /** returns the score of the requested robot: 0=self, 1=enemy */ public int getScore(int id) { return (int) Math.round(total[id]); } /** prints the score-card to the console */ public void printScore() { System.out.println("Total: " + Math.round(total[0]) + " " + robot.getName()); double totalMe = survivalScore[0] + bulletDamageBonus[0] + bulletDamage[0] + ramDamageBonus[0] + ramDamage[0]; System.out .println("Total Survival BulletDmg BulletBonus RamDmg*2 RamDmgBonus"); System.out.println(Math.round(totalMe) + " " + Math.round(survivalScore[0]) + " " + Math.round(bulletDamage[0]) + " " + Math.round(bulletDamageBonus[0]) + " " + Math.round(ramDamage[0]) + " " + Math.round(ramDamageBonus[0])); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Total: " + Math.round(total[1]) + " " + enemyName); double totalEnemy = survivalScore[1] + bulletDamageBonus[1] + bulletDamage[1] + ramDamageBonus[1] + ramDamage[1]; System.out .println("Total Survival BulletDmg BulletBonus RamDmg*2 RamDmgBonus"); System.out.println(Math.round(totalEnemy) + " " + Math.round(survivalScore[1]) + " " + Math.round(bulletDamage[1]) + " " + Math.round(bulletDamageBonus[1]) + " " + Math.round(ramDamage[1]) + " " + Math.round(ramDamageBonus[1])); } }