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Revision as of 05:29, 16 September 2010 by AWOL (talk | contribs) (→‎Bots Made)
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Hi. I'm AWOL. I'm an amateur programmer (Barely started learning C# and Java a while ago) but this game is helping me learn Java pretty quickly. I'm a simple person, so I don't know how to do all the advanced tactics you guys use, but I damn well like thinking of new ways to mess with my enemy's head (circuits?) :P

Bots Made

OMT_HO - Named for its tactics: Orbiting Musashi Trick and Head-on targeting. More of a test bot really, to see what I can do. Uses a gravitational sort of movement to stay in a set orbit around its opponent. 1 vs 1 only, best on the 800x800 battlefield.

PM_LURE - Named after a specialized Pattern matcher movement that will try to move any anti-gravity opponents into corners and dodge bullets efficiently; and a neat specialty pattern-matching gun I'll call the Wall/Corner Lure, which will fire at one side of a 'learning' bot (Dynamic Clustering/Wave surfing/Pattern matching/it'sallthesametome) to force it to move into a wall or corner, and then shoot it to death. It's going to be a really neat bot that will dodge as many bullets as it can and still trick its opponents into being rammed into walls. It will be designed to save as much of its power as it can (Firing power 1 or 2 shots constantly to harass advanced dodgers, avoiding walls while tricking others into them) while whittling down its opponent's via wall damage and constant, quick shooting.

Bots decommissioned: OMT_HO - OMT_HO is pretty good as it already is, even if it can't beat everything. I experimented with using Circular targeting on this bot, but it never worked out so well. In fact I only wanted Circular targeting just so I could beat HawkonFire, lol. I'll revert it to head-on targeting one day and release it and its source code for download.

Bots in progress: PM_LURE - I'm going to start on the gun soon. See above for details.

PM_LURE checklist: PM: Dodge (at least head-on) bullets with ease [] Get in positions to make cornering easier [] (Ex: Move towards enemy bot, he moves back. It recognizes this and backs him into a corner, and then it dodges its bullets and subsequently pelts him with power 2 shots)

LURE: Fire slightly left or right of an opponent to force them in a certain direction (lest they be hit and soon learn not to move that way, possibly making them move the other way and into the corner) [] Know when to fire and how hard to fire (Luring-fire would be <=1, attacking/harassing/chase bullets would be power 2 or so, fires only when it recognizes enemy's pattern and knows if it will move or get hit) []