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Revision as of 02:45, 29 September 2010 by Chase-san (talk | contribs) (Nano)
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Author(s) Chase
Extends AdvancedRobot
Targeting Linear Targeting
Movement Stop And Go
Released September 23, 2010
Current Version 1.1

Background Information

ExclusionNano is a version of a beginner bot I wrote in time with Icehawk. I made it nano, and with a number of codesize hacks, and some perseverance made it almost complete.


How does it move?
It uses a form of random stop and go movement. Every time the enemies energy doesn't match its last energy, it moves a random distance along an perpendicular path. Direction changes when it bumps into a wall and sometimes, when it is hit by a bullet, but only sometimes.
How does it fire?
I uses an velocity averaged linear targeting. It isn't a perfect linear average, since I have to use getTime to get the size down enough.
How does it dodge bullets?
When the enemy fires, it detects this and moves just enough to get out of the way of a head on targeted bullet, and usually not far enough to run into a linear one. But that was never tested.
How does the melee strategy differ from one-on-one strategy?
No difference.
What does it save between rounds and matches?
Nothing at all, it has static fields but those are assigned every round, and are there only to save codesize.