DeBroglie/Version History

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< DeBroglie
Revision as of 16:41, 16 May 2012 by Tkiesel (talk | contribs) (rev0025)
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rev0025 -- Bot discards situations with displacement vectors that lead outside of the battlefield.

rev0024 -- Bullet collisions now delete relevant real waves. Precise wave intersection code steamlined for speed. Added Rednaxela's FastTrig (taken from DrussGT's source, since I had no internet access), also for speed. Some data gathering tweaks.

rev0016 -- Removed Real/Virtual wave from kd-tree segmentation.. added distance.

rev0012 -- Better (but still relatively naive) escape angles, and a more detailed set of segments for distance from the wall.

rev0008 -- Moved to using version numbers off of my Mercurial repository. Some improvements in Segmentation.

v 0.85 -- a ground up rewrite is in progress. Using the SqrEuclid version of Rednaxela's KD-tree implementation, so deBroglie counts as a DC bot now, I suppose. The movement is from PEZ's Aristocles. It's a placeholder for now while I iron out targeting issues.

v 0.66 -- 0.65 was significantly weaker against some bots than 0.55 was. Did some downloading and trial battles against a few of the biggest changes. Happened because I removed the ram behavior from my old oscillator. Put ram behavior back in, including some aggressive re-ramming and gun shooting for fun.

v 0.65 -- Bug in 0.6 fixed. I'd accidentally passed the bullet velocity to my escape angle predictor as "20 - 3/firepower" instead of "20 - 3*firepower." Oops! The wave surfer learns a little slow, but often does nice, tight dodging, so I've got a good foundation to build on, I think.

v 0.6 -- Implemented goTo wave surfing. Nice boost against top 25ish bots, but when it went into the rumble, a particularly ugly bug reared its head. Skipped turns badly against weak bullets.

v 0.55 -- v 0.5 was using stupid amounts of memory. Hanging on RoboRumble with DrussGT and a few others. Trimmed things down. Definitely need to implement a growable data structure of some kind for stats.

v 0.5 -- Rewritten angleToBin and binToAngle to compensate for clockwise/CCW movement. This allowed elimination the cw/ccw stats segment. Double the data density with half the memory use. Consequently added a few bins and timing segments. Still a net memory savings. Also included last velocity in cw/ccw calculation if current v == 0. Seemed wrong for v == 0 to always be clockwise.. the enemy might have a pattern to exploit when crossing v == 0 after all.

v 0.4 -- full max escape angle calculation instead of just the polar coordinate version.

v 0.3 -- Some more segmentation. Lots of little fixes.

v 0.2 -- First version. Gutted and rebuilt my old Virtual Bullets + Anti-gravity bot Newton.