SquirmyToad/Version History
SquirmyToad 2.0:Ranked 51 in NanoRumble, 106 in MicroRumble, 167 in MiniRumble, 340 in RoboRumble
Uses random movement and a pattern matching gun
SquirmyToad 2.1: Ranked 35 in NanoRumble, 82 in MicroRumble, 138 in MiniRumble, 357 in RoboRumble
Now bounces off walls, also tweaked random movement
SquirmyToad 2.2:
Now uses the musashi trick in the beginning, if it dies 3 times it will go to random movement.
Tweaked firepower
Higher chance to change direction, so random movement may do better against linear targeting.
SquirmyToad 2.3:
Reverted higher chance to change direction