Fast Math

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Anyone know where to find the fast math pages/discussions? I did a search on "fast math" and couldn't find it. I know there was a number of places where alternate code for doing various trig functions was discussed, but I can't find them now.

Skotty04:20, 17 February 2013

I think it's User:Rednaxela/FastTrig.

(I didn't really notice any speed improvement when I tried adding it to Diamond, so I removed it, but maybe I screwed up or it would help other bots more.)

Voidious04:22, 17 February 2013

With Combat, profiling said all trigonometry added together were consuming about 8% CPU time. Dropped to less than 3% after fast math classes were added. Not too much of an improvement, but it was an improvement.

MN04:38, 17 February 2013

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