dustbunny undefeated

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dustbunny undefeated

when will somebody make a robot that will defeat in nanomeleerumble dustbunny protip look at dustbunny's sourcecode

Tmservo (talk)20:56, 30 November 2013

why won't anybody reply to this thread

Tmservo (talk)16:06, 1 December 2013

Because you're becoming a pochemuchka.

Chase18:58, 1 December 2013

Pochemuchka is quite mildly stated for this series of questions :)

Beaming (talk)21:11, 1 December 2013

Skilgannon probably could, even though DustBunny is very advanced being an anti gravity linear targeter nano.

But I don't know if anyone can beat Wallaby with another micro.

BeastBots101 (talk)20:12, 1 December 2013

when i think about sheldor's code talent he probably could too

Tmservo (talk)00:32, 2 December 2013

Probably DustBunny but maybe not Wallaby. From what I observed, He's good with small code size bots.

By the way, am I the only one legitimately answering Tmservo's question? Also, I have no idea what pochemuchka means.

BeastBots101 (talk)01:44, 3 December 2013


Just googled it.

BeastBots101 (talk)01:44, 3 December 2013

Most of us did at first. But he seemed to `ignore` many of our responses.

Chase05:42, 3 December 2013

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