User talk:Tmservo

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
netbeans vs eclipse114:24, 23 November 2013
AW's kd-tree1500:38, 15 October 2013
Skilgannon's kd-tree3020:43, 11 October 2013
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netbeans vs eclipse

which is better netbeans or eclipse

Tmservo (talk)02:19, 22 November 2013

I use Eclipse. I don't use NetBeans in years, so I can't really compare the new versions against each other.

But in general terms, most of Eclipse features are based on plug-ins, which means you won't find all the features you need on the basic installation, but there should be a plug-in somewhere doing what you need. NetBeans is a fixed pack, if it has everything you need then it's fine, if not, then you will need additional tools outside NetBeans.

MN (talk)14:24, 23 November 2013

AW's kd-tree

how fast is Andrew Wells kd-tree

Tmservo (talk)13:17, 8 October 2013

How Fast Is Andrew Wells KD-TREE

Tmservo (talk)23:33, 10 October 2013

I suggest you stop worrying about how fast a particular kd-tree is and just use one of them. The top few kd-trees are all very similar in performance and I am sure each have their pro's and cons. I personally still use Rednaxela's Gen 2 tree because of how self contained it is (vs his Gen 3 which has more structure).

Chase06:10, 11 October 2013
Edited by author.
Last edit: 20:43, 11 October 2013

If you were using it for Robocode I don't think you'd be worrying about which one. What are you using the tree for?

Skilgannon (talk)18:27, 11 October 2013
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 22:30, 12 October 2013

The tree that I have, is approximately as fast as rednaxela's 2nd gen. (slightly faster in my tests). Are you trying to write a kd-tree or just looking for one to use? As far as I know, jk's tree, rednaxela's tree, and my tree are all quite similar. Bucket kd-tree. No recursive search methods. Use a MBR (minimum bounding rectangle). Use a heap to store the points. I think rednaxela was the first to introduce most of those ideas to robocode, but in my tests, mine was slightly faster and presumably the same can be said of JK's tests.

AW (talk)20:35, 11 October 2013
Edited by author.
Last edit: 21:34, 11 October 2013

there is no kd-tree at but there is kd-tree inside gilgalad

Tmservo (talk)20:45, 11 October 2013

Soooo, I've been staying out of this because I have nothing constructive to offer... But FYI, the fact you ignore pretty much every question someone asks makes you seem suspicious. And asking/demanding things without listening makes you seem rude.

If you'd engage in a conversation and tell us your situation, we could probably offer you a lot more help. If you're doing something shady, like cheating on homework, and that's why you're being so secretive, we probably don't want to help.

Voidious (talk)21:05, 11 October 2013

Skilgannon's kd-tree

is Julian Kent's kd tree faster than Rednaxela's or is it the other way around

Tmservo (talk)08:45, 4 October 2013

They're pretty much tied. Mine might be a little faster on systems where the data in the Kd-Tree is frequently pushed out of cache.

Skilgannon (talk)13:28, 4 October 2013

is third generation Rednaxela faster than Julian Kent

Tmservo (talk)13:38, 4 October 2013

No, as I said above, they are mostly the same except for cache conditions.

Skilgannon (talk)15:07, 4 October 2013

what about second generation Rednaxela and first generation Rednaxela

Tmservo (talk)23:22, 4 October 2013

3rd gen is the fastest of Rednaxela's trees. There's also a k-NN algorithm benchmark if you want to run some tests.

Voidious (talk)02:32, 5 October 2013
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