Good Jump

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Right now it has some fast learning problems like getting beaten against Walls or SpinBot in the first round=). Maybe I'll do some adaptive learning rate.

Dsekercioglu (talk)11:13, 25 August 2017

Yes neural networks are typical experiencing a hard time at the initial ;p How many layers are you using? Would you try using two networks, one fast learning, one deep learning?

Xor (talk)14:58, 25 August 2017

It is a perceptron with some pre-processing. I can try deep learning. It may be useful at hitting simple=) movements.

Dsekercioglu (talk)17:05, 25 August 2017

I tested it with some tuning. It can't pass my Anti-Surfer Gun against any sample bot.=(

Dsekercioglu (talk)18:19, 25 August 2017
Edited by author.
Last edit: 20:07, 25 August 2017

Have any of you had any success with a DC+NN gun? I got my NN gun working pretty well against surfers and, even though my DC gun is still doing better, I think I can improve it enough to surpass it. But it performs really bad against random movers compared to my anti-random gun, even when I set up more than one NN, like in Gaff. Does that combination make any sense?

Rsalesc (talk)19:08, 25 August 2017
Yes it makes sense. I once got +%5.2 APS by getting the sum of Anti-Surfer and Anti-Random weighted by their hit rates. (The old gun was just AS).
Do you use pre-processing in your NN? It can be really helpful.
Dsekercioglu (talk)19:30, 25 August 2017

I'm not sure what you mean by pre-processing. Can you clarify that?

Rsalesc (talk)20:10, 25 August 2017
    • For example you have two attributes x, y
    • Use some formula on it.
    • For example input = {|x|, |0.5 - x|, |1 - x|, |y|, |0.5 - y|, |1 - y|}
    • Give it to the Neural Network
Dsekercioglu (talk)21:46, 25 August 2017

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Yes of course you can get a good score against surfers with an only NN. After only tuning against Shadow I got a %74.2 score against him.

I don't know what type of pre-processing you use but mine uses gaussian function instead of abs as above. Maybe you should try it.
Remove some data and try it again. Some data slows down NN learning.
Change your training process. For example don't train your NN when enemy doesn't have any waves to surf.
Try to find an error in your NN. ColdBreath is the fixed version of Havoc(116th) whose backpropogation was wrong.
By the way congrats with Roborio. Really High PWIN.
Dsekercioglu (talk)10:46, 26 August 2017