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Will TimeSince attributes help against direction based random movement? 211:45, 20 March 2019

Will TimeSince attributes help against direction based random movement?

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Return to Thread:User talk:Dsekercioglu/Thoughts on targeting/Will TimeSince attributes help against direction based random movement?.

Anyway, I found TimeSince attributes work surprisingly well against WaveSurfers. I've heard that PatternMatchers are good against WaveSurfers, maybe TimeSince attributes are one step to PatternMatching?

Xor (talk)01:32, 9 September 2017

My scores had improved a lot back then when I boosted Time Since Decel's weight on the Easy part of TCRM. I thought it would be correlated because if you are changing directions every tick with the probability of x you would basically be changing directions around 1/x ticks. Let me check again... . The double Time Since Decel version did a little better(0.02) which is probably just noise. I am going to look at the profile... I am not getting flat profiles here. When I try 11 different time since deceleration from 0 to 1, values of the Guess Factors are like:


After 150th round I started to get values similar to this one which means it makes a difference for WhiteFang. It might be the 1 / (1 + 0.1 * x) formula I am using.

Edit: To make a fair comparison I tried this with both all weights 1 and my normal weights.

Dsekercioglu (talk)11:44, 20 March 2019