Category talk:Tutorials

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Revision as of 22:48, 13 August 2009 by Voidious (talk | contribs) (pseudocode vs source code)
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New tutorial topics

I've been trying to think of what other tutorials would be useful to have here. I feel like there's room for a lot more and I'd be willing to write some. Here are ideas I've had and the thoughts / doubts I have about them:

Thoughts? --Voidious 21:14, 12 August 2009 (UTC)

That would make the very steep learning curve of Robocode a lot flatter =) I must admit that Robocode learning curve is too steep. There is not anywhere in either this wiki or the old one (minus very messy talk that no one will have enough to read them all) that mention 'How exactly is GF-DC gun?'. I used to confused with that, for the old wiki Dynamic Clustering page is really un-understandable. I tried to make the new wiki better.

Anyway, I disagreed that we should have 'Segmentation / Attributes' tutorial. They (and we too) need to figure that out by them/ourselves. And I would like to have only pseudo code on the tutorial, or very light Java code.

Random Movement, well, it think we should have Basic movement tutorial, which basically tell use how to move perpendicular and really basic Random Movement. Again, the good value must be figured out by them/ourselves, or where was the fun? I know that new Robocode will do a lot to gain top performance as soon as possible, but as you know deeper, you won't need to be the top and you can be happy with it, like me. Darkcanuck and I probably the more active Robocoder without any bots in top range (You , Skil, Red, and Pos are all have robot(s) in top class, aren't you?)

Debugging Graphics should be useful too. A simple how to draw circle, draw status text and all. VG/PM/DC/AS/MRM should be on their/our owns. This wiki page (or the unmigrated one) is detailed and current open sourced robot is cover enough for that. But I would like Wall Smoothing... I always having problems with Wall Smoothing direction, Wave Surfing direction, Actual Going direction and Sign of Velocity =) » Nat | Talk » 12:23, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

I must say that I agree with nat on this one. It would probably be better to have some advanced tutorials that explain advanced stuff such as DC and so forth, but I think it would be good to make them almost code-free and let people figure out the nitty-gritty details themselves.Nat's idea about making simple ones such as wall smoothing seemed like good idea too; it might be good to make a Debugging Graphics tutorial that could also explain basic stuff like tracking waves and virtual bullets(and drawing them, of course)--CrazyBassoonist 13:37, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

Really interesting that you guys would prefer pseudocode! I wouldn't have thought of that. --Voidious 20:48, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

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