Talk:K-NN algorithm benchmark

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Revision as of 14:42, 18 August 2009 by Nat (talk | contribs) (should be memory leak somewhere in my tree)
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(Continue from Talk:Kd-Tree#Bucket_PR_k-d_tree)

Thank you, I have changed my local implementation to fixed your. Just found some bug in the benchmark, all trees except Voidious' and Rednaxela's does full Euclidian distance. Now it use squared distance, but the time didn't effect much. And just found some bug in my tree that make it run a little faster, or not? Anyway, my benchmarks is now running... with large input set(15,400000,150) and 50 tests at once. Will post new result and upload new version soon. It is now fully automated and get the input size/dimensions/neighbours from argv. » Nat | Talk » 15:03, 17 August 2009 (UTC)

Running 50 test(s) for k-nearest neighbours search:
:: 15 dimension(s); 400000 data point(s); 150 neighbour(s)

Running tests... COMPLETED.

RESULT << k-nearest neighbours search with flat/linear searching >>
: Averaged used time              = 478.0353 miliseconds
: Average adding time             = 1.359 microseconds
: Average last node adding time   = 2.406 microseconds
: Averaged  accuracy              = 100%
: Worst case used time            = 776.3058 miliseconds
: Best case used time             = 423.6457 miliseconds

RESULT << k-nearest neighbours search with Rednaxela's k-d tree >>
: Averaged used time              = 318.4575 miliseconds
: Average adding time             = 14.808 microseconds
: Average last node adding time   = 13.042 microseconds
: Averaged  accuracy              = 83%
: Worst case used time            = 453.7179 miliseconds
: Best case used time             = 157.7133 miliseconds

RESULT << k-nearest neighbours search with Simonton's Bucket PR k-d tree >>
: Averaged used time              = 78.3186 miliseconds
: Average adding time             = 3.446 microseconds
: Average last node adding time   = 4.113 microseconds
: Averaged  accuracy              = 100%
: Worst case used time            = 247.4606 miliseconds
: Best case used time             = 41.4053 miliseconds

RESULT << k-nearest neighbours search with Nat's Bucket PR k-d tree >>
: Averaged used time              = 193.9578 miliseconds
: Average adding time             = 3.556 microseconds
: Average last node adding time   = 3.515 microseconds
: Averaged  accuracy              = 100%
: Worst case used time            = 805.729 miliseconds
: Best case used time             = 41.7864 miliseconds

RESULT << k-nearest neighbours search with Voidious' Bucket PR k-d tree >>
: Averaged used time              = 83.3344 miliseconds
: Average adding time             = 4.1 microseconds
: Average last node adding time   = 3.832 microseconds
: Averaged  accuracy              = 100%
: Worst case used time            = 96.4601 miliseconds
: Best case used time             = 79.8629 miliseconds

 - #1 Simonton's Bucket PR k-d tree [78.3186]
 - #2 Voidious' Bucket PR k-d tree [83.3344]
 - #3 Nat's Bucket PR k-d tree [193.9578]
 - #4 Rednaxela's k-d tree [318.4575]
 - #5 flat/linear searching [478.0353]

Even though Simonton's is the fastest averaged, it has quite large worst case. Voidious' the best here. And it seems that my tweak make it slower... My worst case is larger than linear worst case. This test run for 15 minutes on my machine so if you run it yourself please be patient. » Nat | Talk » 15:16, 17 August 2009 (UTC)

It might be more useful to use 6-10 dimensions and 30-50 neighbors, as I think that's more common for DC guns. With 15/150, the brute force is not even that slow, and would probably outperform the kd-trees in a normal battle (~25,000 data points). Over 400,000 data points with 6 dimensions / 30 neighbors, the kd-tree will be waaay faster than brute force. Also, I wonder what Simonton is using for bucket size, as that impacts the speed, too. It might be worth modifying the Bucket PR kd-trees to use the same bucket size for fair comparisons. Glad to see mine is looking reliable. =) --Voidious 15:32, 17 August 2009 (UTC)

One note about bucket size: The optimal bucket size would depend on implementation details somewhat, so I think that if they are made to use the same bucket size, it should be tested at a variety of different bucket sizes. Also, not that I care much for my old/crappy/inefficient/inaccurate tree, but it is also a bucket variant Nat, despite what it's title in the tests implies. --Rednaxela 15:42, 17 August 2009 (UTC)

Oh, I forget that. I use bucket size of 8 in Simonton's tree. I'll re-run it this evening. Note that 478ms is only half a second! But I wonder, I haven't checked yet, which distance does Rednaxela's tree use? I'll change my tree to binary, change to 8 buckets, check Voidious' and Rednaxela's (is Rednaxela's bucketPR or just plain K-d tree?) and apply final speed update to my tree and run the test again with suggested neighbours/dimensions. » Nat | Talk » 07:18, 18 August 2009 (UTC)


  • Simonton's : 8 buckets since he told that bucket size of 8-16 is the best.
  • Voidious's : 32
  • Rednaxela's : 20
  • Nat's : 22 due a bit of test result with difference m-ary and bucket size.

Will change to 10 for all. Result next. » Nat | Talk » 11:47, 18 August 2009 (UTC)

Having problem =( Trying to do configurable bucket size, and result in memory leak plus several exception and main NPE with Rednaxela's... I think I just revert and just change a constant...

Here is result from 10 tests:

Running 10 test(s) for k-nearest neighbours search:
:: 8 dimension(s); 400000 data point(s); 45 neighbour(s)

Running tests... COMPLETED.

RESULT << k-nearest neighbours search with flat/linear searching >>
: Averaged used time              = 503.8392 miliseconds
: Average adding time             = 1.379 microseconds
: Average last node adding time   = 2.409 microseconds
: Averaged  accuracy              = 100%
: Worst case used time            = 776.594 miliseconds
: Best case used time             = 410.977 miliseconds

RESULT << k-nearest neighbours search with Rednaxela's k-d tree >>
: Averaged used time              = 12.7223 miliseconds
: Average adding time             = 15.628 microseconds
: Average last node adding time   = 10.357 microseconds
: Averaged  accuracy              = 47%
: Worst case used time            = 46.5419 miliseconds
: Best case used time             = 5.269 miliseconds

RESULT << k-nearest neighbours search with Simonton's Bucket PR k-d tree >>
: Averaged used time              = 3.3432 miliseconds
: Average adding time             = 3.734 microseconds
: Average last node adding time   = 3.422 microseconds
: Averaged  accuracy              = 100%
: Worst case used time            = 9.7065 miliseconds
: Best case used time             = 1.2692 miliseconds

RESULT << k-nearest neighbours search with Nat's Bucket PR k-d tree >>
: Averaged used time              = 64.9766 miliseconds
: Average adding time             = 3.485 microseconds
: Average last node adding time   = 3.289 microseconds
: Averaged  accuracy              = 100%
: Worst case used time            = 603.5304 miliseconds
: Best case used time             = 2.4253 miliseconds

RESULT << k-nearest neighbours search with Voidious' Bucket PR k-d tree >>
: Averaged used time              = 6.5825 miliseconds
: Average adding time             = 4.049 microseconds
: Average last node adding time   = 3.54 microseconds
: Averaged  accuracy              = 100%
: Worst case used time            = 14.8861 miliseconds
: Best case used time             = 3.835 miliseconds

 - #1 Simonton's Bucket PR k-d tree [3.3432]
 - #2 Voidious' Bucket PR k-d tree [6.5825]
 - #3 Rednaxela's k-d tree [12.7223]
 - #4 Nat's Bucket PR k-d tree [64.9766]
 - #5 flat/linear searching [503.8392]

Benchmark running time: 67.82 seconds

Sorry, I didn't have enough patient to run it for enough test. But, just thinking, this is "K-NEAREST NEIGHBOURS ALGORITHMS BENCHMARK", not "BUCKET PR K-D TREE BENCHMARK" so I think I will use the default configuration for each tree. Any comment? » Nat | Talk » 12:21, 18 August 2009 (UTC)

Since I kept a whole lot of points in both the tree and array in my KNNRunner, last night I run the test before I slept so my computer didn't run any other programs. Today, now, I run a lot of other programs/applications so... I just run another test and get OutOfMemoryError with -Xmx1536M... I wonder if in my last change with my tree create some memory leak... I couldn't identify it anyway... But overall I have finished my own worked K-d tree so I think I will just use Voidious' in my next robot. I've already Learned this algorithm anyway. » Nat | Talk » 12:42, 18 August 2009 (UTC)

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Cache effects on benchmark1220:41, 17 July 2013

Cache effects on benchmark

I was thinking that running *just* the benchmark vs a single tree at a time would result in the KD-Tree code and data being cached quite a bit better than would be realistic for real-life situations. Perhaps it would make more sense to run all of the trees at the same time, giving each tree the new search/data one tree after the next. This would simulate the cache thrashing between turns that happens when you are running multiple robots at the same time, because the trees would be competing with each other for cache space.


The reason I ask is that I designed/wrote a tree to deal with the cache problem. It outperforms Rednaxela Gen2 on large (2mil points, 12 dim) random datasets by ~2X, but ties on smaller (30k point, 12 dim) datasets. I think the fact that for the small dataset the entire thing is in cache might be causing the difference.

Skilgannon (talk)22:03, 16 July 2013

Maybe using a reference bot would make benchmarking more meaninful?

Pick one bot, put each tree inside it, one at a time, and run it against a 1v1 test bed.

MN (talk)02:37, 17 July 2013

For the best comparison, absolutely. However, it might be difficult to set up the battles so that every one is the same, particularly if the trees are non-deterministic due to things like points being equal. Also, it adds a lot of overhead which would make testing very slow.

Skilgannon (talk)12:56, 17 July 2013

It would make testing slow, but the overhead is what will make benchmarks meaningful. Remove the overhead and you also remove cache thrashing.

Running a test bed much like we run challenges would do. Instead of making every battle the same, run multiple random battles and measure average run time.

MN (talk)14:06, 17 July 2013

What I worry is that many different trees would have to be tested in exactly the same way. Unlike scores, times are different on different computers. Perhaps if we put them all in parallel in the same robot, then see how much time they take?

Skilgannon (talk)16:57, 17 July 2013

Running them all at the same time could make sense, but I would suggest being careful if you do that, because the order that they get run in may matter. Even when running them one at a time in sequence, I've recall noticing that the order in which they are run could very slightly impact the apparent performance, I suspect due to caching, JIT, and/or garbage collection characteristics. It's been a while, but IIRC the System.gc() call I have in there between running different trees was to lessen that effect. It may make sense to add some form of randomization to sequence they're run in.

Cache performance is one of those things that's tricky with Robocode, because your robot is also sharing the CPU with another bot which could be doing who knows that with it's memory accesses. For that reason I wouldn't trust optimizations for better caching behavior to necessarily pan out in practice with bots. I may be wrong about that though.

One could put it in a reference bot yeah, though the tests would be far slower and less consistent, thus requiring a much greater number of test iterations to have a reliable result.

Oh, and in any case, nice job with making a tree that much faster with the large datasets :)

Rednaxela (talk)06:13, 17 July 2013

I wrote a quick benchmark and threw it in my main method. Some tweaks and improvements (putting the distance functions in methods, using a binary search for the results array) have given me big improvements at lower tree sizes:

No JIT Warmup
Tested on random data.
Training and testing points shared across iterations.
Searches interleaved.
Num points:     20000
Num searches:   200
Dimensions:     12
Num Neighbours: 40

Accuracy: 100%
Iteration:      1/3
This tree add avg:  3092 ns
Reds tree add avg:  2216 ns
This tree knn avg:  809965 ns
Reds tree knn avg:  1380366 ns
This tree knn max:  10844097 ns
Reds tree knn max:  11005183 ns

Accuracy: 100%
Iteration:      2/3
This tree add avg:  1259 ns
Reds tree add avg:  846 ns
This tree knn avg:  643037 ns
Reds tree knn avg:  1119268 ns
This tree knn max:  979013 ns
Reds tree knn max:  1787566 ns

Accuracy: 100%
Iteration:      3/3
This tree add avg:  1146 ns
Reds tree add avg:  800 ns
This tree knn avg:  641163 ns
Reds tree knn avg:  1099657 ns
This tree knn max:  1318587 ns
Reds tree knn max:  1782212 ns

Note, I hacked the RedGen2 tree to not check for NaN in the distance functions so that they are on equal footing.

Skilgannon (talk)13:03, 17 July 2013

Ahh nice. Out of curiosity, any reason you're comparing against my 2nd gen tree? My 3rd gen tree was a bit faster at least in the tests I did.

Rednaxela (talk)15:00, 17 July 2013

I don't have it installed yet, and I thought I'll do a proper bench when I add my tree to the whole bench framework. Do you still have the code that does those nice charts tracking the trees through time? Is that what's in the KNN.jar? Yes it is! Great.

Skilgannon (talk)16:40, 17 July 2013

Ah, looks like KNN.jar that's uploaded on the wiki isn't quite 100% up-to-date. A couple days after the KNN.jar uploaded to the wiki was last updated I made a few minor changes. See here for the latest source [1]

Rednaxela (talk)18:46, 17 July 2013