User talk:Rednaxela/BotBase

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Revision as of 18:17, 2 February 2010 by Rednaxela (talk | contribs) (not decided yet, just considering it)
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"Got no status event! Dying now! :(" -- I love this quote =) » Nat | Talk » 23:52, 8 August 2009 (UTC)

Haha, yes. That bit of code was from the rumble didn't check the version, but people used versions older than the recommended one anyway. I therefore used that to ensure my bot got 0 score on those clients, and thus had the bad result rejected by the rumble server. I should probably remove that hack since the rumble server now checks versions, AND doesn't ignore 0 results. --Rednaxela 00:17, 9 August 2009 (UTC)

Please update. My current robot base (framework) use a lot of design from yours. Thanks a lot for sharing anyway =P --Nat Pavasant 14:48, 2 February 2010 (UTC)

The current changes are fairly minor really. I think I'm going to re-engineer the framework a bit before I updating here actually. There are a few aspects I'm somewhat unsatisfied with. For one thing, I'm considering setting up a framework for bot components based around dependency injection (perhaps using picocontainer) --Rednaxela 15:10, 2 February 2010 (UTC)

Isn't Robocode blocked the use of Reflection which is the heart of PicoContainter? I'm not really sure it will work. But funny thing is that we need not to attach any dependency to a robot =) But from what I have read about DI, if one's codebase is not large and complicated, using no DI will result in smaller and easier to read code. And I consider Robots a very small codebase (compare to Robocode's 2,200,000 lines of code) --Nat Pavasant 15:52, 2 February 2010 (UTC)

I've not yet fully decided, and if unable to use PicoContainer for that reason I would consider writing an extremely lightweight purpose-built system that doesn't use reflection. I'm not yet sure, but I would consider a large bot meant for both melee, 1v1, and teams, to perhaps be large enough to be worth it. Particularly if I have multiple bots built in the same framework using different combination of components, then it could perhaps be especially be worth it. Really though, I'm not sure. I'm still evaluating whether it's worth it and may need to flesh out some quick before/after proof-of-concept code before deciding for certain. --Rednaxela 16:17, 2 February 2010 (UTC)

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