User talk:Khanguy

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Revision as of 02:12, 15 May 2011 by Khanguy (talk | contribs) (Why do bots skip turns?)
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I need help fixing my wallhugging code. Everytime I reverse direction or when getHeadingRadians() nears 3pi/2 or pi/2 It seizes up(it won't move). I'm stick and can use any of the help I can use. Here is the code:

static double direction;	//1 for clockwise or -1 for counterclockwise
//in the onscannedmethod
wallHugging(); //Dunno why I did this, but it works!
//whenever I want to change direction
direction = -direction; // reverse direction when hit
// this is the absolute heading I want to move in to go clockwise or
// counterclockwise around my enemy if I want to move closer to them,
// I would use less of an offset from absBearing (I'll go right toward
// them if I move at absBearing)
public void wallHugging(){
//Pez's wall smoothing code with adaptation
double goalDirection = getHeadingRadians() + Math.PI/2 + direction*Math.PI/2; // I want it to go straight
Rectangle2D fieldRect = new Rectangle2D.Double(18, 18, getBattleFieldWidth()-36,
while (!fieldRect.contains(getX()+Math.sin(goalDirection)*160, getY()+
	goalDirection += direction*.1;	//turn a little toward enemy and try again
double turn =   robocode.util.Utils.normalRelativeAngle(goalDirection-getHeadingRadians());
if (Math.abs(turn) > Math.PI/2) {
	turn = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(turn + Math.PI);
} else {

Skipping Turns?

Question: what makes bots skip turns and how do you fix it? --Khanguy 00:12, 15 May 2011 (UTC)

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