Archived talk:User:CrazyBassoonist 2009/08/18

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Revision as of 15:59, 25 January 2009 by CrazyBassoonist (talk | contribs)
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Hi, CrazyBassoonist, Welcome to the wiki! If you are fast leaner, you can learn robocode really fast! I've start robocode programming for 4 months but I've learn many of then already. Best luck for your robot, but I haven't seen your MagicD2 yet :) --Nat 10:52, 23 January 2009 (UTC)

Hey, thanks. If anyone can recommend a relatively weak robot for me to train on, that'd be awesome. I've been using N by Baal so far and right now MagicD2 only gets around 30% on average against him. -CrazyBassoonist

Well, try ad.last.bottom! If you can't beat it, you can beat nothing in rumble! I see N is at 110th position in nanorumble, you must improve your bot's performance a lot! You may try my NanoKitty, it go and stuck in wall frequently, although it's linear targeting can't hit you! But I recommend you to release robot first and see it's performance in real world. Don't care if there codesize left, you can fill it in later. (In my robot, if I have more than 15 byte spare, I'll add color :)) --Nat 09:05, 25 January 2009 (UTC)

Welcome to this wiki. I would just take a few bots that are around 500-600 ranking, and watch the battles carefully to see what is going good and wrong. Check if your bot is doing what you are expecting. My first attempt was not really successfull either (285 place out of 300) but I (slowly) worked my way up. Good luck1 --GrubbmGait 09:45, 25 January 2009 (UTC)

Thanks. That's probably a good idea. However, I can't seem to find one low in the rankings that I can download.

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